Friday, December 25, 2020


Dear Readers,

It is Christmas day. Merry Christmas!

The year may have been tumultuous in some manners, but it has been great to see how God has provided for our orphans in so many ways. It is you, the readers of this blog, through whom God has provided the food, clothing, shelter, school fees, plus other needs for these children in the year 2020.

You have done this without any coercion put on you by mailings or “fund raising campaigns,” but simply through you becoming aware of the needs and the Holy Spirit speaking to each of you. 

Vivian and I at home
It all confirms my belief that the work of God does not need Madison Avenue techniques to be accomplished. Believers in the work of God in this world need only to be informed and aware, and the Holy Spirit will let each know what he or she can do.

Thank you so much not only for your gifts, but for listening to God speaking in your hearts!!

It has been wonderful to see how the prayers of Vivian and I, as well as the churches in Kenya and our own Log Church in Wisconsin, as well as the prayers of all of you, have been answered by God.

For example, earlier this month we were able to make a $4000 bank transfer that was enough to provide food almost to Christmas. We were grateful to be able to do this, but I also knew that the food would run out before Christmas day. I was praying, as I am sure many of you were, that God would provide the means so that the kids would not have to face a Christmas not only with no gifts, but with no food.

Quite unexpectedly, we suddenly received $5000! We immediately sent it off, but I still did not know if it would reach there by Christmas. It normally takes the better part of a week to arrive at the bank in Kenya, but this time it arrived in three days!

This answer from God not only made their Christmas brighter, but mine as well. I am so deeply appreciative.

Thank you again and enjoy the day!

Love and prayers, Don and Vivian


Here at the kids enjoying their Christmas meal 
Here is the accounting and report from Pastor Joel:

Dear Beloved Dad, Mum, Church and friends,

Greetings from Kenya Log Churches and Log Orphanage, we are praying for you each day. We are humbled for the help we receive from you all through pastor Donald ,Vivian ,church leaders and friends to the Kenya orphanage and church.

Thanks from the children and church leadership Kenya church, thanks for your prayers which has made the better stay of the children. Surely without your help which God has moved in your heart and prayers, we could have not been able to care these children. Some could have gone from us  to streets because of our limited resources was not able to feed the these children. We appreciate every support we receive from you and also school fees and clothes, home for them and other necessities it could be the challenge. We request   prayers for the work in Kenya as by your prayers God has allowed us to reach this far still we covet yours for the needs of these children under our care their needs be made.

The kids are hold up one of the gifts that
they received. In case you cannot make
them out, they each received a pair
of plastic, gator-type shoes
The schools were closed on Wednesday 23/12/2020 and it will be reopened on Monday 4th
January 2021.We have the threats ahead as from 1st January the prices of commodity will rise as the government as announced. Please keep us in prayer covid-19 has turned things upside down.

We thank God because this is the situation that God provided two days earlier before the food was out of stock. Kindly keep praying for the school fees, also pray for us that the rise of food prices will not affect schools fees to increase.

Thanks for the sermon teachings its helping us greatly keep posting them its maturing Kenya churches. You are all covered in our prayers.

Thanks for keeping the Kenya family in yours prayers and heart. Below is the purchase breakdown of Ksh.500000 received.

Oil 60 litres

One litre =Ksh. 250 x60litres =15000

The kids are holding up the other gift that
they received. To find out what it is,
see the next photo

Vegetables 160 kgs.

1kgs =Ksh. 160x160kgs=Ksh.25700.

Beans 400kgs.

One Kg of beans =Ksh. 250 x 400 kgs =Ksh. 85,000

Sugar 156.8kgs.

1kg=ksh.160 x160=Ksh.25700.

479 kgs of rice.

1KGS =Ksh. 167x479 kgs =Ksh.80000

This to me is one of the more interesting
cultural difference between the Kisii
culture, as well as many African cultures,
and and our own western culture. Where
we tend to value individualism, they
place a high value on a connection to
one another.
Pastor Joel tells me that for these orphans,
this way of dressing as one is also a way
to "celebrate what God has done for them,
who before had no hope in this present life."
These clothes also serve as their choir
uniforms so that people know that
they are from the Log Church of Kenya

Unga ngano/baking flour 143kgs

One kilogram =Ksh.140 x143kgs=Ksh.20,000

558. 8kilograms of maize

One kgs =Ksh.200 x558.8 kgs =111700                                 

Salt 38Kgs

1kgs =Ksh.100x38kgs=Ksh.3800

Sugar 156.8kgs.

1kg=ksh.160 x156. 8=Ksh.25100.

Sanitizer Ksh. 4400

Soap KSh. 3000

Clothes and shoes Ksh. 80,000.

Iron sheets Ksh.30, 400

Workers appreciation Ksh. 10000.

Each worker will get Ksh. 2500.

Transport cost Ksh. 5900.

We purchased food worthy Ksh. 385900 daily consumption is =Ksh. 19600.

Total purchase of food Ksh. 385900÷ daily consumption Ksh.19600=20 days, food will last

Bank Transfer Receipt

from Date 22 Tuesday December to Date 9  January Saturday 2021.

Finally all leadership thank you and all who are behind the Log Orphanage Kenya also children are happy. We wish you merry Christmas and happy festive. God bless you all. Really appreciate all your work and love God bless you.

Yours Son Joel and Log Church/Orphanage Kenya.

Store Receipt

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


Last week I asked Pastor Joel about what restrictions they were still facing in Kenya
in meeting for church services. The following is the email that he sent to me, along with some photos showing what they are doing with social distancing. It must be quite an adjustment for them, since before this, even our own concept of “personal space” was almost non-existent there. At least, that was my experience.

There are two "Log Churches" in Kenya, one in Matagaro, and the other in Nyacambeni. These are not buildings that are actually made of logs like our church building in Tripoli, Wisconsin, but the are wattle and daub buildings with tin roofs. The people just have named themselves, "The Log


Dear Beloved Dad, Mum, Church and Donors,

Greetings in Jesus mighty name, we thank God for every time we remember you all our believed family of God in USA Log Church. We pray for you all each day.

The log Churches in Kenya are prospering in the midst of the
pandemic, we are seeing God to helping us to reach more souls through blog teachings posted by pastor Don may God bless you and inspire you more as you lead USA and Kenya church. For the last almost 4 months we were not allowed to meet publicly in the church but by the grace of God we were allowed to meet and carry out services.

Below are the regulations we were given to conduct services.

Washings hands/Sanitizer regularly

Having water points everywhere within the church and orphanage.

Having body temperatures not above 35.

Social distancing 1.5metre.

Wearing mask.

We request your prayers still things are not normal as most families are suffering because they have no food as those who were helping them have no jobs and even small business collapsed people are suffering. Kindly keep praying for us and the church families they are suffering greatly even buying mask worth Ksh.50 is the challenge others remain home because not having mask. Thanks.

On those days and months which we were not meeting at church all leaders agreed that to expand the main church at Matagaro community because it was small so that it can accommodate more, as evidenced on the pictures we sent early. We had a company that built the orphanage agreed to expand the church building on debt so we have not paid the money. We are required to pay on installments.

Until now we have not paid any cent as even the church members nothing to give in payment, but they gave what they had as posts, rafters and unskilled labour. We are trusting God that He will provide.

Thanks to all who donated food and school fees we appreciate for the help receive from the faithful man of pastor Don, Vivian and Church treasurer of Log Church USA. May God provide for your needs as you help. Thanks to all who do help the orphanage in Kenya regularly we know you are more who have joined hands. The list is long to mention but receive the thanks from church leaders and children as well words cannot express our joy but heaven has recorded your good works.

Thanks once again for obeying the call of God to help and support the children in Kenya. We request yours prayers for the food and Christmas clothing for the children, we have this week only food as from Monday being Christmas week we have no food kindly keep praying for good and clearing of church building debt.

Thanks. We are praying God to bless you and guide you all, may God reword you all for standing and helping the church/orphanage in Kenya.

God bless you all.

Yours Son Joel and Church Leadership Log Church Kenya.

Saturday, December 12, 2020



GENDER:                    FEMALE

AGE:                            9

CLASS:                        GRADE 2



Faith was displaced during the post-election violence that took place in January 2018 at Kericho tea estate, where only her single parent was attacked and she was killed before the eyes of faith, a young girl!!

One of our young believer Caleb was by then working in the farm at Kericho tea estate. He managed to escape the brutal killings narrowly, also carrying the child Faith in his arms until he found the bus to Kisii some 200 meters to the border. Caleb was just but a neighbor to Faith! He is not married and upon reaching at his home Sengera location with the kid; Caleb’s father could not accept faith to stay in his family and the father is a drunkard, he also smokes marijuana!!

The father of Caleb is troublesome and sometimes he could beat Caleb’s mother and lock her outside the gate. Due to this, our believer Caleb brought the kid to us and requested us to adopt her in the orphanage. Brother Caleb has tried to inquire about Faith’s family background but it’s not yet known.

Faith is glad and comfortable to be under the good care in the orphanage and he is very much thankful to pastor Donald and the church of Kenya for the provision to her. She likes dancing and she wants to become a teacher after her school.



GENDER:                                MALE

AGE:                                        11

CLASS:                                    5




Justus was raised up by his aunt known as Banchiri. This boy did not see his mother but he was told that his mother died two months after giving birth to him and she was buried in the plot that Justus’s father had bought in Kisumu where both Justus and his mother were living together with Justus’ aunt by the name Banchiri.

The father of Justus divorced Justus’s mother while Justus’ mother was having a three months pregnancy of Justus!! Unfortunately Justus’ mother also succumbed to death later leaving a young baby of two months old{ Justus}.

Justus’ aunt took care of Justus from two months up to 9 years when post-election violence happened in 2018 and the perpetrators attacked their compound and managed to slaughter Banchiri,{ Justus’ aunt}. They spared this boy Justus and a certain vehicle was rescuing the Kisii People from the land of their political opponent, where someone who was escaping to Kisii took Justus and put him in the vehicle.

When the vehicle came to a place called Kenyenya the man left this boy at the market and told the boy to ask anyone for assistance and the man went away! This young boy was directed to our orphanage and he located us by himself. All of sudden he marched into the orphanage compound and explained to us about the story and how he arrived at Kenyenya.

We reported the case to our local area chief and the chief requested us to allow this boy to stay in the orphanage. Justus has stayed in the orphanage for two years now and he is humbled to be natured and taken care of by the support of Church and friends in the USA and the Log Churches of Kenya. This boy loves drawing and he desires to be a graphic designer after school.


GENDER:                                FEMALE

AGE:                                        16

FORM:                                    2



Mirriam was raised by a single mother known as Joyce Kerubo. Unfortunately her mother died of blood cancer and was buried in the government land at Eskimu grounds where her mother’s family stayed too and they had grabbed this government land where they termed as their original home for many years.

Joyce‘s parents died back in the year 2002 and 2003 respectively. Now Joyce was only remaining with his brother Tom Kebati who had a family and they both stayed in this piece of land. But years later Joyce, the mother of Mirriam, suffered of blood cancer and died in the year 2014.

Mirriam was left in the caring hands of his Uncle Tom Kebati until the year 2018 when post-election violence struck in Eskimu and there arose tribal clashes and Tom was killed and his wife too!!

Mirriam and the two children of the Uncle escaped the death and crossed the border to Kisii for safety. The government got angry and all the tribes who were staying at Eskimu government land were evicted. The two children of Mirriam’s uncle went their way and left Mirriam desperate in the villages!!

We found Mirriam helpless in the year 2019 and we were concerned to give her shelter, food and clothing. Hence we took Mirriam from wondering in the villages and brought her to the orphanage.

Mirriam is appreciating Pastor Donald and friends for their generous and continuous support. Mirriam is one of the praise and worship soloist in church and she likes singing to the lord and she also want to reach the unsaved through singing and save them to the kingdom of God.

If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to “The Log Church” and write “Orphans” on the memo line.

Send it to:
The Log Church
PO Box 68
Tripoli Wisconsin 54564

We now need to pay a wire transfer fee with every payment, which amounts to $50 each time, but other than that, your donated money will be used only for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose. Thanks!

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


Dear Beloved Dad, Mum, Church and friends,

Greetings in the precious name of Jesus our lord and savior, we are humbled once again when we remember how great your help that you have donated for the children in Log Orphanage Kenya, which has brought hope to them.

We as the church and staff we are praying for your all who have taken your time and
resources to support these children. We appreciate your efforts to help may God provide for your needs also, we appreciate all blog readers who are sending donations to pastor Don and Vivian. God bless you all.

Thanks Pastor Donald for the spiritual teaching you are posting on the blog the are empowering Kenya Churches as we print them  and teach  the churches in Kenya may God inspire you more.

Thanks goes to the church and friends in the USA church and also in Kenya. The food in the store was finished 5 days ago, but the people from the Kenya church sent food and out of 5 days, the children missed food for only 3 days. We thank God for sustaining the Kenya family and also you as well. Thanks.

See below expenditure of the help received from you Ksh. 497,000 Below is the food purchase

545 kilograms of maize One kgs =Ksh.220 x545 kgs =120000.

559kgs of rice. 1KGS =Ksh. 180 x559kgs =Ksh.100,600.

Salt 38Kgs.  1kgs =Ksh.100x38kgs=Ksh.3800

Sugar 156.8kgs. 1kg=ksh.160 x156. 8=Ksh.25100.

Sanitizer Ksh. 5100

 Soap KSh. 4000.

Transport cost Ksh. 5900.

Oil 75 litres One litre =Ksh. 250 x75litres =18600.

Vegetables 160 kgs.  1kgs =Ksh. 160x160kgs=Ksh.25700.

Beans 361.6 kgs.  One Kg of beans =Ksh. 250 x 361. 6kgs =Ksh. 90400.

Now beloved we bought food  with Ksh. 385900 and a day the child take Ksh. 400, 63 children =Ksh. 19845


Metal sheets  Ksh.95600 to reduce dining hall debt.

Pastor Thomas Menge was given Ksh. 2200 to help in the burial celebration (The Pastor’s infant son of 18 months recently died of malaria and malnutrition).


Now Ksh. 385900÷ Ksh. 19845 =20 days, now food will last from Date 4 December - Date 23 Wednesday We request your prayers as we pray for you all. Thanks for the love may God bless you all.

Thanks for your prayers which have made us to come this far may God protect you all. We request your prayers for the food, clothing more especially this Christmas time. God to open more opportunity to reach more souls for the Kingdom.

Finally all leadership thank you and all who are behind the Log Orphanage Kenya also children are happy. God bless you all. Really appreciate all your work and loves God bless you.

Yours Son Joel and Log Church/Orphanage Kenya.

If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to “The Log Church” and write “Orphans” on the memo line.

Send it to:
The Log Church
PO Box 68
Tripoli Wisconsin 54564

We now need to pay a wire transfer fee with every payment, which amounts to $50 each time, but other than that, your donated money will be used only for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose. Thanks!

Sunday, December 6, 2020


It was two weeks ago that I ended my sermon speaking of the covenant that God made after
the great flood when he smelled the sweet aroma of the sacrifice that Noah performed immediately after the waters had subsided. At that time, God made the following declaration: 

Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from his youth. And never again will I destroy all living creatures as I have done. As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall never cease (Genesis 8:21-22 BSB).

It seemed a fresh start. It appeared as if God had wiped the slate clean and was ready to move on with his plan for the ages. Ever since the days of Adam and Eve, the overall spiritual condition of the world had continually deteriorated leading up to the days of Noah. In fact, the spiritual condition of the world had gotten so bad that God even stated that he “regretted” that he had made man.

Thursday, December 3, 2020



GENDER:                 MALE

AGE:                          6

CLASS:                     GRADE 1



Matwa‘s mother had stayed in Nyakorokoro market area for eleven years before she gave birth to Matwa in this town years later. Her family background was not known but during her stay in Nyakorokoro she worked in the restaurant known as Igembe right from the time she came to Nyakorokoro market.

In the year 2017 March she disappeared and the efforts of tracing her was in vain!! She woke up earlier this day as if she was going to her normal job in the restaurant but she did not report to work and she did not return home to date!! Matwa was left helpless in the rental house and later he was rescued by his close neighbor known as Elijah Momanyi.

This man Elijah was a watchman at Gucha Mart supermarket in Ogembo town and his family was staying upcountry. Given that he was staying alone in the rental house because of the job, he decided to take Matwa to his house in order to support him with at least food and care.

Elijah stayed well with this kid Matwa but unfortunately he never went to visit his family back at home like before because he feared leaving Matwa alone in the house. Hence from March to December he failed to visit the family but he was just sending support to them. His wife Jack was upset and she came to Nyakorokoro where the husband was staying and she forced her husband to leave the work and vacate the rental house immediately!!

Jack did not want to allow this kid Matwa to go with them and they left him in dilemma and we met with her sad situation when we were coming from the funeral and we were moved to adopt him and nature him in the orphanage. Matwa is excited to receive care and support here in the orphanage.  He likes clay modeling and also singing. He wants to make clay   items after school and support the gospel.



GENDER:                    FEMALE

AGE:                            15

FORM:                        2



Sharon had a single parent. She stayed with her mother who was a single parent in Kibera slums at Nairobi. Her mother was homeless and when she died in the year 2018 August she was buried in the cemetery. Sharon was adopted by a person who volunteered to take care of her. This person was known as Mary Mbera.

Mary also had 2 sons and 3 daughters who she stayed with here in Kibera Slams, Now Sharon became part of this family. Sharon enjoyed staying with the family of Mary but the forth month became so complicated!! The family of Mary being accompanied by Sharon also started a journey to attend Christmas festive season back at the village.  Sharon did not know the location of Mary’s village home but she was equally happy to know the place and also to belong in that family.

It was heart breaking to Sharon to be left in Nyamache bus stop when they arrived here in Kisii!!! Mary asked Sharon to come down from the bus and she gave Sharon Ksh 1000 whereby she instructed Sharon to buy some loafs of bread but first she stay with the money until she receives a confirmation from Mary through the phone  directing how many loafs of bread  she would  buy . Mary lied to Sharon that motorbike of her brother was to pick this girl Sharon at Nyamache bus stop and take her home with the breads!!

Sharon stayed in this bus stop waiting for the call from Mary but this woman never called!! When it was heading to late evening Sharon used a stranger’s phone to call Mary but the call was not reachable. She tried calling several times but it was off. Sharon stayed in the booking office of the bus six days expecting to reach Mary through the phone but things were not   working!! The phone of Marry went off permanently!!

Sharon used the Ksh 1000 to buy food and after six days of staying outside in a hostile environment the money was over and she started wandering in the streets!! This is where we meet her on date 9 January 2019 and opted to rescue her after being touched with her sad experience right from Nairobi to Kisii without her knowledge that it was an evil scheme to her!! We had done with evangelism and now we came with Sharon in the orphanage.

She is humbled and extremely thankful to receive support in the orphanage through Pastor Donald and the church of Kenya. She likes singing and she has a passion to safe many souls through her talent.


GENDER:                 FEMALE

AGE:                          17

FORM:                      2



Annastanciah got misplaced during the 2017-2018 post-election violence. The town they lived was attacked by peace perpetrators who were burning houses of other ethnic tribes, destroying properties and also killing other tribes who were not Kipsigis!!! It was a terrible night to the residents of Bomet who were not of the Kipsigis community!

This is where the family of Annastanciah came outside of their house and all of sudden they were terrified by a great sound of gun shooting and screaming!! They dispersed everyone running for his/her safety! Annastanciah managed to escape the ethnic conflicts and crossed the border to kisii border  at Borabu sub-county.

Right there at the border she met with a Kisii woman known as Divinah Moraa who helped to pay fare for Annastanciah to Sengera bus stop. Annastanciah opted to travel to Sengera because she once heard her mother say that she has a close relative at Sengera market.

Upon her arrival at Sengera she was not recognized by anyone as a relative but one of our church believers took her to his home until earlier January the year 2019 when the believer was overwhelmed by his family needs and he was jobless, so he requested us to adopt Annastanciah to the orphanage premises!! We gave her permission to join other kids in the orphanage.

After the ethnic conflicts came to an end we sent two brethren together with Annastanciah back to where their parents lived but we could not locate them; their neighbors told us that none of Annastanciah’s family had reported to the rental house where they used to live! We again revisited the area   after 8 months but could not locate the family.

Annastanciah  is now staying in the orphanage and she is extremely joyful to receive support and help from Pastor Donald, Vivian, the friends and the church of USA and partially from the church of Kenya. She likes songs and she has a passion of becoming an artist after school.

If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to “The Log Church” and write “Orphans” on the memo line.

Send it to:
The Log Church
PO Box 68
Tripoli Wisconsin 54564

We now need to pay a wire transfer fee with every payment, which amounts to $50 each time, but other than that, your donated money will be used only for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose. Thanks!

Tuesday, December 1, 2020



GENDER:                 FEMALE

AGE:                          15

CLASS:                     FORM 2



 Yvonne was raised by a single mother known as Lillian Bosibori, Yvonne’s mother lived in place called Kiango. The mother Lillian had come to Kiango when she was 19 years old. She was homeless and she initially worked with a private sector known as clay works in  Nairobi, but after she was replaced she came  to this border and she started a business  of selling clothes.

Lillian later gave birth to Yvonne at the age of 21 while still living in this place alongside the Kisii and Maasai community border; she was living in a rental house with her daughter Yvonne.

It is sad news that during post-election violence that took place in the year  2017-2018, Yvonne‘s dear mother was killed by the Maasai solders while on her way from the market together will other 3 Kisii women!!. They were slaughtered mercilessly to death!!! The solders escaped after committing the killings!

The corpse of the deceased was buried in the cemetery. Yvonne‘s mother died at the age of 34 years while her daughter Yvonne was at the age of 13 years then. One of the Masaai woman adopted Yvonne to her home and Yvonne stayed there for only 1 year and in January the year 2019 this good Samaritan passed away after suffering from high blood pressure!! She left Yvonne and her two elderly daughters who were not married that they stayed with in their home.

Terribly the daughters of this woman immediately chased away Yvonne from their home after burial of their mother. We found Yvonne desperate and homeless January 2019. We sympathized with her situation and decided to bring her to the orphanage.

Yvonne is greatly happy to be in the orphanage premises. She was hopeless but she has hope now in this facility. Yvonne is much thankful for the church and friends of USA being led by Pastor Donald and Vivian to support and encourage the orphans where she is included. Yvonne likes teaching young kids during Sunday school lessons and she has a passion to become a teacher of the word of God.



AGE:              16

CLASS:                     7


Daniel Nyangieya lived together with his parents at Nyabioto shopping center near our location Sengera. His parents James and Mary are said to have come to this village shopping center from Nyansara where they lived for eight years. The family background of Daniel‘s parents was not known at all since their dwelling was based in rental houses.

Daniel used to sleep in a separate house from the family rental house. In fact this boy received all meals and necessities in the house of the parents but in the evening after supper, he went to sleep in his neighbor’s house. He could wake up earlier in the morning and walk to the house of his parents to get breakfast and other daily needs. The parents were supporting their son Daniel but the only challenge was a sleeping room. Hence he found somewhere to sleep in a friend’s house.

It was Sunday morning on date 27th the year 2019 when his parents were attacked at around 11pm at night and they were shot dead!! Some neighbors came to rescue them when they heard a sound of gun from their living house but they found dead bodies and the criminals who did this killings had ran away!! Their bodies were buried in the cemetery and the government officials vowed to do investigation of the matter for Justice but they have not come up with the information of this killing to date!!

Now everyone feared to live with this young boy Daniel Nyangieya since they did not know what caused the gun shoot to both his parents!! On 31st January (after four days) we meet with Daniel being psychologically tortured and terribly crying for the rejection he had gone through!! He explained to us how he lost his caring parents.

We also found the same information from people of Nyabioto village and we managed to allow this boy join the orphanage at least to give him hope and courage. Daniel Nyangieya is humbled to be taken care of through the support of Pastor Donald and USA church. He is equally thankful to pastor Joel and the church of Kenya for showing him love and care. He is a talented young footballer and he also likes dancing in church. Besides these talents he wants to become a pastor after school.



GENDER:                 FEMALE

AGE:                          12

CLASS:                     STD 6


FOUND:                    REJECTION


The name of Shadolin’s mother was known as Sheilla Kemunto. Sheilla was one of the casual workers at Ogembo tea factory. She got an access to live in the factory premises with her daughter and later with a man who was believed to be her husband for several years. 

In the year 2017 February the mother of Shadolin collapsed and died while on duty!! After post mortem the doctors discovered that it was a disease known as fatal arrhythmias!!! it is during this time  that the “so called “ husband to Sheilla denied their marriage and said that Sheilla was just but a girlfriend and they were  not legally married with her!

People suggested that maybe this man denied this intentionally in order to prevent the body of his wife from being buried in his home.  And also they sensed that he wanted to reject Shadolin as her daughter: This is because this man was publicly announcing that, he found Sheilla with a kid (Shadolin) and they started living together as friends and not as married couples!!

By the fact that the deceased was homeless the body was buried in the cemetery and this young girl Shadolin was left hanging around without any consideration to her from anyone!! Pastor Vincent and our church elders were among the guests who attended the funeral and after they witnessed a total rejection to Shadolin by her “so called father” and none was volunteering to adopt Shaldolin and it was evening time they brought this girl to the orphanage and explained the situation.

We sat down as leaders the following morning and eventually accepted Shadolin to be part of the orphanage kids. Shadolin was helpless but now she is receiving good care in the orphanage through the coordination of Pastor Donald and Pastor Joel. She is talented in singing and composing new songs. She has a passion to become an artist after school.

If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to “The Log Church” and write “Orphans” on the memo line.

Send it to:
The Log Church
PO Box 68
Tripoli Wisconsin 54564

We now need to pay a wire transfer fee with every payment, which amounts to $50 each time, but other than that, your donated money will be used only for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose. Thanks!

Sunday, November 29, 2020


We are in the midst of a holiday season unlike any that we have ever experienced.
Thanksgiving Day was only a few days ago. It came with ominous warnings from health officials and the government to not meet together for the traditional family meal. To do so would likely greatly increase the spread of the Covid-19 virus, a disease against which we so far have very few defenses.

Of course, Americans being who we are, many are too independently minded to heed these warnings. It has been reported that travel both by air and by car over Thanksgiving has been the highest since the pandemic hit our shores in March.

We have yet to see if the warnings spoken by our government and by health care officials and providers will bring about the great increase of infections, hospital admissions and death. However, if our previous big holiday weekends this year are any indication, all of this traveling and gathering will indeed result on a much greater strain on our hospitals, and will cause many more people to die.

The reason that so many people are ignoring or flouting these warnings usually is not because they do not think that there is no peril in the travel or the gatherings. Some may believe there is no danger, but mostly people are disregarding the threat because this pandemic has other negative effects on us other than to our health.

Isolation is one of these. Isolation in any form is difficult, but isolation from family is the most severe of the strains. That is why when it comes to the traditional times of family gatherings, many people are willing to take the risk of getting sick.