Tuesday, December 15, 2020


Last week I asked Pastor Joel about what restrictions they were still facing in Kenya
in meeting for church services. The following is the email that he sent to me, along with some photos showing what they are doing with social distancing. It must be quite an adjustment for them, since before this, even our own concept of “personal space” was almost non-existent there. At least, that was my experience.

There are two "Log Churches" in Kenya, one in Matagaro, and the other in Nyacambeni. These are not buildings that are actually made of logs like our church building in Tripoli, Wisconsin, but the are wattle and daub buildings with tin roofs. The people just have named themselves, "The Log


Dear Beloved Dad, Mum, Church and Donors,

Greetings in Jesus mighty name, we thank God for every time we remember you all our believed family of God in USA Log Church. We pray for you all each day.

The log Churches in Kenya are prospering in the midst of the
pandemic, we are seeing God to helping us to reach more souls through blog teachings posted by pastor Don may God bless you and inspire you more as you lead USA and Kenya church. For the last almost 4 months we were not allowed to meet publicly in the church but by the grace of God we were allowed to meet and carry out services.

Below are the regulations we were given to conduct services.

Washings hands/Sanitizer regularly

Having water points everywhere within the church and orphanage.

Having body temperatures not above 35.

Social distancing 1.5metre.

Wearing mask.

We request your prayers still things are not normal as most families are suffering because they have no food as those who were helping them have no jobs and even small business collapsed people are suffering. Kindly keep praying for us and the church families they are suffering greatly even buying mask worth Ksh.50 is the challenge others remain home because not having mask. Thanks.

On those days and months which we were not meeting at church all leaders agreed that to expand the main church at Matagaro community because it was small so that it can accommodate more, as evidenced on the pictures we sent early. We had a company that built the orphanage agreed to expand the church building on debt so we have not paid the money. We are required to pay on installments.

Until now we have not paid any cent as even the church members nothing to give in payment, but they gave what they had as posts, rafters and unskilled labour. We are trusting God that He will provide.

Thanks to all who donated food and school fees we appreciate for the help receive from the faithful man of pastor Don, Vivian and Church treasurer of Log Church USA. May God provide for your needs as you help. Thanks to all who do help the orphanage in Kenya regularly we know you are more who have joined hands. The list is long to mention but receive the thanks from church leaders and children as well words cannot express our joy but heaven has recorded your good works.

Thanks once again for obeying the call of God to help and support the children in Kenya. We request yours prayers for the food and Christmas clothing for the children, we have this week only food as from Monday being Christmas week we have no food kindly keep praying for good and clearing of church building debt.

Thanks. We are praying God to bless you and guide you all, may God reword you all for standing and helping the church/orphanage in Kenya.

God bless you all.

Yours Son Joel and Church Leadership Log Church Kenya.

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