Monday, May 27, 2024


Rains continue here in the US and also in Kenya, but as anyone working with livestock knows, the daily work does not stop. Our cow that has freshened gives about 3 litres of milk/day, with the calf also getting some to drink.

Praise God for opening up this learning opportunity for the kids. It seems a basic type of training, but it is a beginning. The cow shed that the carpentry class put together also looks very functional and well-made.

Please continue to pray for our simple beginnings to our vocational school. Our encouraging verse in this is the same one that we have often thought of before with other projects, which we modify to our own current project:

“Who has despised the day of small things? But the eyes of the LORD, which scan the whole earth, will rejoice when they see our beginnings.”

We work to please the Lord. We thank him for what He has provided for these kids in the past years.


If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to “The Log Church” and write “Orphans” on the memo line.

Send it to:

 The Log Church

PO  Box 68

Tripoli Wisconsin 54564

We now need to pay a wire transfer fee with every payment, which amounts to $50 each time, but other than that, your donated money will be used only for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. We wait until we have $4000-$5000 before we make the bank transfer to make each transfer more economical. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose. Thanks!

Click "READ
MORE" to view receipts from last bank transfer

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


We have seen much flooding in some of our southern states, but it is not only the US that is
receiving heavy rains. In Kisii Kenya, they are also experiencing very heavy rainfall accompanied by cool and damp weather.

There have been several cases of malaria at the orphanage, and because of the damp weather, the kids have been fighting poor health. But praise God, we are so thankful for His provision so that we were able to buy some new and warm clothing for the kids, plus new gum boots to make their walk to school much better.

Thank you so much for the provision, and praise the Lord for answered prayer.


If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to “The Log Church” and write “Orphans” on the memo line.

Send it to:

 The Log Church

PO  Box 68

Tripoli Wisconsin 54564

We now need to pay a wire transfer fee with every payment, which amounts to $50 each time, but other than that, your donated money will be used only for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. We wait until we have $4000-$5000 before we make the bank transfer to make each transfer more economical. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose. Thanks!

Thursday, May 2, 2024


One of the projects that we are working on in the vocational school
for the orphanage in Kenya is husbandry for cattle. We presently have 4 cows, one of which just gave birth to a bull calf.

Cows in Africa always look so malnourished to me, and I suppose that they are. 

But my comparison is not fair, since I invariably compare all cows that I see to my Scottish Highland herd. Even here in the US, when I see a prize herd of Holstein cattle, they look so skinny. It looks to me like someone should feed those poor animals.

There is no pastureland for our cows at the vocational school at the orphanage, so food is scarce. Some food is purchased for them, but mostly someone daily needs to lead them out to graze on the greenery that grows on the edge of the roadways, and wherever
else there might be a blade of grass.

Milk production is one of the goals of this project. We will have to see how much milk these cows can actually produce, but there should at least be enough to put in their tea.

But it is also a learning experience, and I am excited to see how this work progresses.


If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to “The Log Church” and write “Orphans” on the memo line.

Send it to:

 The Log Church

PO  Box 68

Tripoli Wisconsin 54564

We now need to pay a wire transfer fee with every payment, which amounts to $50 each time, but other than that, your donated money will be used only for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. We wait until we have $4000-$5000 before we make the bank transfer to make each transfer more economical. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose. Thanks!