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Sunday, December 30, 2018
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Merry Christmas from the Log Church of Kenya!
As you can see, the roof metal is all installed, which, as
any builder will tell you, is a big step in the completion of a building. The rain now runs off the roof!
is still much to be done for the completion of the dormitory, but we are thankful to the Lord and to each of you
who have contributed to this project.
This Christmas is so much brighter for the orphans than it
was in the last year, and the New Year to come holds out for them much more
hope than they have ever had before. The new school term begins the second day
of January, and we are praying that all of the children will be able to attend
classes, even with the increased costs at the school.
In this past year, we have seen how the Lord has provided to
overcome great obstacles and many difficulties in order to give each of these
children lives of hope. They also now have a family (of sorts) as they are part
of the people of the church.
This family of theirs also includes each of you who have
shown them your love and concern for their welfare as you have done what you
could to provide for them.
Every one of these children are learning to see how God
provides for his children in many and in unexpected ways. They are learning the
wonderful ways of God as they are being raised in an environment of the love of
I’ve not done this before but I will now invite you to write
to me by email if you would like to ask me any question that you have,
or for any other reason. My address is simply
I will write more about the progress at the orphanage after the New
Year and about the anticipation of my trip there at the end of January, but at
the moment, we are all wishing each of you a very Merry Christmas.
"God Bless each of you real good!"
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
The metal for the roof has arrived and it is even at this
moment being installed on the rafters of the children’s dormitory. I am writing
this with deep gratitude to the Lord for providing for this metal, as it was
quite a large expense.
My gratitude extends also to each of you who have listened
to the Lord and have given of what you have so that these children, many of
whom last year had neither family or home, now have been given a supporting
family in the Log Church of Kenya, and are seeing a home being constructed for
Some have recently asked me why I do not have a link on this
web site where you can donate to this project. I know that not having one goes
against all contemporary marketing practices in raising funds for a charitable
If this was to be done using current money-raising methods,
you would see plenty of pictures of starving children dressed in rags with
emotional appeals for money. I should try to move you emotionally and then “make
it easy to give.”
I am not doing this because I do not want emotion to be the
main driver in having people donate. I want this to be a work of the Lord, and
although it is true that the Lord has given each of us emotion, the primary
manner that he appeals to us to do something is through his Holy Spirit.
Emotion will only carry any commitment so far. I am afraid
that our churches have by in large failed us just at this point. We are teaching
people to make commitments about their lives based only upon an emotion that
they may presently be having. Our churches often give us the impression that
God speaks to us mainly through emotion.
That is not true. Certainly, emotion is part of God’s
communication to us, but it is more than that—much more.
When God called me into this work of being involved with
these orphans, it was not through a movement in my emotions. In fact,
emotionally, I did not want to be
involved. I actually gave all kinds of excuses why I should not. (“I did my bit. Let me retire!”)
My involvement instead came through a conviction in me by
the Spirit of God. God’s Holy Spirit would not let me rest until I did
The old English poet (Francis Thompson) called the Spirit of God, “The
Hound of Heaven,” constantly and unhurriedly pursuing until you submit to what
He is calling you to do.
That is what God did with me. Always on my tail about this
work in Kenya, not letting me rest. The work would not leave my mind.
I read the account of the teaching the 5,000, when the
disciples wanted to send the people away so that all those people could find something
to eat, but Jesus told the disciples, “You
feed them.”
That was it. God told me—“You feed them.” I could run no more.
The Hound of Heaven had captured me.
In the same way, I do not want to make emotional appeals to
you to give for this work. That is not my job. That is the job of the Holy
Spirit. If God is calling you to contribute, he will not allow you to rest
until you obey him.
But I will tell you this: Once you submit sincerely and
completely to God, your life will be changed forever—not only in regards to
this work in Kenya, but in all areas of your life.
As for my part, I have never regretted submitting to God. It always has enriched and filled my life with a deep satisfaction and given my existence here on earth true meaning.
As for my part, I have never regretted submitting to God. It always has enriched and filled my life with a deep satisfaction and given my existence here on earth true meaning.
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
At this point, the rafters and the entire roof structure may look like a jumbled pile of
pick-up-sticks on top of the walls, but there actually is an order to it all.
Or a view from inside looking up:
To make it look complete from the outside, the rafter tails need to be trimmed and, of course, the “roof iron” has to be attached.
All of our purchases need to be coordinated with the transport, since the orphanage is in a rather remote area. When we pay for trucking, we do not want to pay for partial loads. That is why we cannot just buy a little at a time.
View from inside of the church building. This is near where the dormitory is being built |
I was able to send them a bit more money this week to go into
the fund for buying the metal for the roof. It is not yet enough, but Pastor
Joel is thinking that it may be enough in “earnest money” to allow the supplier
to extend to us some good faith.
After all, we have been faithful in all
promises so far. Besides that, we have nearly
enough for all the tin at this point, and we certainly want to see this building completed
before the heavy rains begin.
All of our purchases need to be coordinated with the transport, since the orphanage is in a rather remote area. When we pay for trucking, we do not want to pay for partial loads. That is why we cannot just buy a little at a time.
Of course, there is still more work to be done on the
building after the roof is complete. Primarily, there are doors and windows to make.
I am not sure what beds will be needed. It would be nice if the children did not have
to sleep on the cement floor, but first things first.
Even as it is, sleeping on a cement floor that can be kept reasonably clean is better than sleeping in the damp dirt during the rains. A completed building to keep out the rains, the mud, and hopefully most of the mosquitoes will help with the health problems and the malaria during the rains.
Even as it is, sleeping on a cement floor that can be kept reasonably clean is better than sleeping in the damp dirt during the rains. A completed building to keep out the rains, the mud, and hopefully most of the mosquitoes will help with the health problems and the malaria during the rains.
We still have some time before that, but we also keep in
mind the supplying of food and the other daily needs of the children. The new
school term begins in January also. It is our prayer that all of the children
will be able to attend classes again. This represents a significant cost, but if
there is to be a future for these orphans, then they must be able to go to
These are all things I think about every day, but I am thankful to see how the Lord has been faithful in supplying the needs.
If you could see what the lives of these children were like before the church took them in, then you would be able to understand why each child is so thankful to God for how He has rescued them.
It makes me think of some verses from the book of Ezekiel. The context is all wrong of course, and the Scripture application, but the words nevertheless come to my mind:
On the day of your birth your cord was not cut, nor were you washed with water for cleansing. You were not rubbed with salt or wrapped in cloths. No one cared enough for you to do even one of these things out of compassion for you. Instead, you were thrown out into the open field, because you were despised on the day of your birth.
Then I passed by you and saw you squirming in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, “Live!”
There I said to you, “Live!”
Then I passed by you and saw you squirming in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, “Live!”
There I said to you, “Live!”
I made you thrive like a plant of the field. You grew up and matured and became very beautiful.
God has also said to each one of these children, "Live!"
"May God make every one of these children of the Log Church Orphanage live and thrive like a plant in the field."
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
If you scroll down a few reports you will see a tree
trunk being sawed into dimensional lumber by a Husqvarna chain saw. That was
done to a number of trees to make even a greater number of 2-inch framing
boards—380 boards to be precise.
The logs are those of eucalyptus trees. Eucalyptus is not a native tree to Kenya, but is a species of tree that has been imported from Australia. The tree is now grown not only in Kenya, but in most parts of the tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world (this does not include Northern Wisconsin).
It is called the gum tree in Australia, and some say that it
is the Ausie’s gift to the world. It grows fast, is straight-grained and
largely knot-free. Not everyone loves it, however. It drinks a lot of water,
and some say that in drought-prone areas it exacerbates the scarcity of ground water. Our
son Levi knows about this. He did a study of it in Ethiopia.
Thanks to all who have helped!
It is going well.
The logs are those of eucalyptus trees. Eucalyptus is not a native tree to Kenya, but is a species of tree that has been imported from Australia. The tree is now grown not only in Kenya, but in most parts of the tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world (this does not include Northern Wisconsin).
Mostly Eucalyptus Trees in the Background |
Some of the Church Leaders and some of the Older Boys who are working the dormitory (Not here.Here they are taking a break) |
But eucalyptus also makes strong 2X6’s, and its aromatic qualities
can inhibit termites. It has some natural insecticidal qualities. Levi also knows
When I was going to visit him in Ethiopia, he cautioned me to be prepared to get used to sleeping with bed bugs.
When I was going to visit him in Ethiopia, he cautioned me to be prepared to get used to sleeping with bed bugs.
“They’re everywhere,” he said.
But then, about a week before I arrived, he made a smudge fire
out of eucalyptus on the floor in the middle of his house, closed the house up
tight, and left it for that week when he came to meet me.
When we came back after the week— Boom! No bed bugs!
The eucalyptus smoke had infused everything and killed all the bugs (or driven them away).
Also, all of his clothes smelled a little like arthritis ointment!
The eucalyptus smoke had infused everything and killed all the bugs (or driven them away).
Also, all of his clothes smelled a little like arthritis ointment!
These are the aromatic boards that are now being made into the
rafters for the dormitory. The roof design looks a little complex, what with
the latrine addendums and the food storage room being added.
The roof iron? (metal roof sheets). We only have them about
half paid for, but then again, neither are we ready to put them on yet. We have
seen how God supplies for this building for the children when the need arises,
and we will await to see how he will also supply this roofing material.
Thanks to all who have helped!
It is going well.
Monday, December 3, 2018
When someone
whom we love dies, it is natural for us to have some questions about death. In
fact, it would seem unusual to me not
to have some questions. Despite the fact that death is something that is part
of everyone’s experience, there remains much about it that we do not know or do
not understand. Our questions about this are not surprising, since there is
also much about our very existence that we do not understand.
It is our
nature to react negatively to the concept of death. We react in this way
because there are so many unknown factors about it. We have some assurances in
the Bible about what to expect if we have placed our trust in Jesus, but there
are still many questions that we have.
actually happens when a believer dies?
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