Tuesday, October 25, 2022


Matwa Omoi: 7-year-old, found abandoned in 2018

Matwa’s mother had stayed in Nyakorokoro market area eleven years before she gave birth to Matwa in this town years later. Her family background was not known but during her stay in Nyakorokoro she worked in the restaurant known as Igembe right from the time she came to Nyakorokoro.

In the year 2017 March she disappeared and the efforts of tracing her was in vain!! She woke up earlier that day as if she was going to her normal job in the restaurant but she did not report to work and she has not return home to date!!

Matwa was left helpless in the rental house and later he was rescued by his close neighbor known as Elijah Momanyi. This man Elijah was a watchman at Gucha Mart supermarket in Ogembo town and his family was staying upcountry. Given that he was staying alone in the rental house because of the job, he decided to take Matwa to his house in order to support him with at least food and care.

Elijah stayed well with this kid Matwa but unfortunately he never went to visit his family back at home like before because he feared leaving Matwa alone in the house. Hence from March to December he failed to visit the family but he was just sending support to them. His wife Jack was upset and she came to Nyakorokoro where the husband was staying and she forced her husband to leave the work and vacate the rental house immediately!!

The wife Jack did not want to allow this kid Matwa to go with them, so they left him in dilemma. We were moved in our hearts to adopt him and nature him in the orphanage.

Matwa is excited to receive care and support here in the orphanage.  He likes modeling with clay and also singing. He wants to make clay items after school and support the gospel.

Thanks to God for Pastor Donald, Log church USA and friends who usually send help to our orphanage.


Kevin Omwoyo: 7-year-old boy found abandoned in 2018

Kevin’s mother was a drunkard and she lived in a place called Ekona near our nearby Sengera Market. His mother left home one morning and she never returned to the house where they lived! Three days later as she went missing the clan elder called us to the scene and requested us to adopt this young child Kevin to the orphanage by the mercies of God as they will be looking for his mother:

He persuaded us that if his mother will be found then she will pick her son Kevin from the orphanage. Since January 2018 we have not managed to find Kevin’s mother. The story is still complicated!!! We don’t know if she is alive or dead!!This young boy is still staying in the orphanage since the year 2018 and we took him to school, he is in Grade 2 now.

Kevin is not even thinking about the missing of his mother because he is taken care of in the orphanage and he is joyful always. He likes dancing in the church and wants to be a singer. Keep him in prayer. Kevin is very grateful for the care and love he receives in the orphanage through Pastor Donald.

Faith Mellon: 10-year-old girl orphaned by post-election violence in 2018

Faith was displaced during the post-election violence that took place in the year 2018 January at Kericho tea estate where only her single parent was attacked and she was killed before the eyes of Faith, a young girl!!

One of our youth believers known as Caleb was by then working in the farm at Kericho tea estate. He managed to escape the brutal killings narrowly and carried the kid Faith in his arms until he found the bus heading here, to Kisii. This bus was picking passengers some 200 meters away from the border of Kipsigis community and Kisii community.

Caleb was just but a neighbor to faith! He was not married by then and upon reaching at his home Sengera location in the village where our church and orphanage are located with the child Faith. Caleb’s father could not accept Faith to stay in his family and the father is a drunkard, he also smokes marijuana!!!

The father of Caleb is troublesome and sometimes he could beat Caleb’s mother and lock her outside the gate scaring her not to accept a stranger girl faith in the family! Due to this, our believer Caleb brought the kid to us and requested us to adopt her in the orphanage. Since that time brother Caleb has tried to inquire about Faith’s family background but it’s not yet known.

Faith is glad and comfortable to be under the   good care in log orphanage and he is very much thankful to pastor Donald and the church of Kenya for the provision to her. She likes dancing and she wants to become a teacher after her school. Appreciation to pastor Donald USA , Log church and well-wishers. Thank you very much for giving your funds to support our log orphanage Kenya.


If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to “The Log Church” and write “Orphans” on the memo line.

Send it to:

 The Log Church

PO  Box 68

Tripoli Wisconsin 54564

We now need to pay a wire transfer fee with every payment, which amounts to $50 each time, but other than that, your donated money will be used only for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. We wait until we have $4000-$5000 before we make the bank transfer to make each transfer more economical. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose. Thanks!  

Wednesday, October 19, 2022


Dear Beloved Dad Mum, Church and friends,

Greetings in the precious name of Jesus our Lord and Savior. We are humbled once again when we remember how great your help that you have sent for the children in Orphanage in Kenya. It has brought hope to them. We as the church and staff we are praying for you all who have taken their time and resources to support these children for the well stay of the children.

We are praying and seeking God to provide and give you the desire of your heart. We praise God for the financial help we received and we were able to buy food and paid some for school fees. Thanks to all who have donated. We thank God for you each day. We requesting your prayers, for food, school fees, clothing, borehole water, building school, starting school and other basic needs.

Budget breakdown for help received.

Ksh.471100 food budget

Others Ksh. 28900

Cooking oil =60litres,one litre cost Ksh. 450x60litres=Ksh27000

Maize =500kilogram,

one kg =Ksh.290 x500=145, 000

Omo  17 kilograms , one kg @ 150=Ksh.2600

Vegetables 160 kgs. 1kgs =Ksh. 160x160kgs=Ksh.25600

Rice=440Kilogram,one kgs=Ksh. 250x440kgs=Ksh.110000

Unga ngano/baking flour 164kgs One kilogram =Ksh.160 x164 kgs=Ksh.26,300

Salt 76Kgs=Ksh.7600

Beans 342kgs one kilogram Ksh. 350=Ksh.x343 =Ksh. 120000

Transport cost Ksh.7000


Workers appreciation Ksh. 10,000

Firewood Ksh. 18900

May God bless you and the church in Kenya for prayers and help for the children under our care.

Thanks we are praying for you all and trust that you come to Kenya in the future with your team. Welcome Kenya, may might God provide for your needs and for Kenya church/Orphanage. Thanks.

We are glad for the trust you have for the work in Kenya. May God bless you all. Thanks for your regular help. Thanks. Greetings from the children and churches leaders as we met together.


Yours Son Joel and Log Church/Leadership

To view receipts, press READ MORE

Sunday, October 16, 2022


Perhaps we should.

We live today in a time of great internationalism, when the role of the international diplomat has become very important. Even in the day of Paul, ambassadors played an important role. Some of the functions of various kinds of diplomats have changed through the centuries with the everchanging situations, but the major responsibilities of ambassadors have largely remained constant.

Taking this office of a present-day ambassador as an example, it may be helpful for us to consider, for a few moments, how this relates to being an ambassador for Christ.

Monday, October 10, 2022


Brian Mouti: 16-year-old boy found in the street in 2019

The family of Brain died in a terrible situation when a 3-storey building collapsed at Menyinkwa. Brian’s father, mother and other 2 siblings met their cruel death there on the spot. Brian was called from school to witness the incident!!

The parents of Brian had stayed in Menyinkwa town for quite a long time without traveling to up country. This is the place where they gave birth to Brain. It was suspected that this family had sold the whole of their small plot and travelled to this town to begin a new life style and they could not return to their home since they had left nothing of their own.

Due to this, Brian’s life faced a lot of challenges and he decided to join the street of Menyinkwa. There in the street some politicians started to use street children to do violence and Brian could collect tires and use petrol to burn and destroy people’s properties in order to terrorize the supporters of the political opponent. He did this to get food from the politician.

One day we met Brain being a perpetrator of peace and we preached and ministered to his heart. He eventually surrendered his life to Jesus but he could not be comfortable to continue with the street life to avoid backsliding. By fact that he did not have a place to belong, we accepted him in the orphanage so that the gospel can continuously transform his life.

Brian was a criminal street boy but now he is a very polite and kind boy in the orphanage. He is happy for the reformation through the word of God and he is proud to be taken care of and he extends his appreciation to pastor Donald and Joel for the help he receives.

Brian is a good footballer and he has a passion to form his football team that will complete with other teams. He already has his football team within the orphanage He also likes preaching to Junior Sunday school and he has hope of becoming a minister of the gospel. Thanks  pastor Donald for helping us this far !!

Happines Nyabuto: 16-year-old girl found orphaned and rejected in 2018

Happines was raised by a single mother known as Caroline Nyamusi. They lived in Kericho Estate where her mother was a day worker in tea plantation. She had a good relationship with her mother until when her mother committed a crime of stealing a neighbor’s cooking gas and Happines reported the issue to the gas owner. She led the gas owner to where her mother hid it.

It was her mother’s secret deal but Happines revealed the theft. She was the witness of the case against her mother to the end. According to Happines’ statement, her mother had become a thief for several years and Happines had often cautioned her to stop the vice but she despised her words.

Now Happines decided to disclose her mother to the public so that she can be a shamed and reform from that habit. Caroline the mother of Happines was found guilty and paid a fine of KSH 5000 /= during and after the case hearing.

Caroline rejected her own daughter Happines and sought to kill her by poison but close neighbors convinced her not to do any harm to her daughter. But it was in the year 2017 November when Caroline seriously and thoroughly beat Happines to almost half dead!!

She was reported to the Ibencho police station and she disappeared to avoid being arrested by the police officers. Caroline was nowhere to be found until when she was announced dead in the news and her body was buried in the cemetery since she did not have a home.

We found Happines almost deciding to go to the streets to beg food for her survival and we feared this girl might be raped since she was coming to age and we offered to adopt her into the orphanage. Happines is greatly thankful for shelter, food, clothing and education through the courtesy of Pastor Donald. She is happy to attend school that could have been a great challenge if she was in the street. She has forgotten how the way her mother rejected and mistreated her and even beat her. This girl always pray God to protect and guard the family of Pastor Donald and all well-wishers. She likes teaching the word of God and she has a passion to be a teacher of the word after school.

The log church USA has really stood with all our needs in the orphanage and we appreciate very much for the love and care. Blessings from God be upon you all.


If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to “The Log Church” and write “Orphans” on the memo line.

Send it to:

 The Log Church

PO  Box 68

Tripoli Wisconsin 54564

We now need to pay a wire transfer fee with every payment, which amounts to $50 each time, but other than that, your donated money will be used only for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. We wait until we have $4000-$5000 before we make the bank transfer to make each transfer more economical. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose. Thanks!  

Sunday, October 9, 2022


The Apostle Paul wrote this to one of his churches:

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. (Colossians 3:1-4 ESV)

In regards to our lives in this world, what we learn here from what Paul has said is that, as expatriates in a foreign culture, our true lives are hidden from the world. The people of the world cannot see or understand us as we truly are.

It is much the same as when I am living in another country here on earth apart from my home in Wisconsin. The people in another place see me as I am in their country, but they can never fully understand how I am when I am in my homeland. I can tell them about the place from where I have come and even show them pictures, but my real citizenship is largely hidden from them. It is something that is beyond their experience.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022


Dear Beloved Dad, Mum, Church and friends,

Greetings in the precious name of Jesus our Lord and Savior, we are humbled once again when we remember how great your help that you have sent for the children in Orphanage in Kenya we always pray and praise God for you all.

You have brought hope to them. We as the church and staff we are praying for you  have taken your time and resources to support these children despite there are other needs which have not been met and others are required daily.

We are praying and seeking God to provide and give you the desire of your heart. We praise God for the financial help we received and we were able to buy food and some for school fees.

Thanks to all who have donated. We thank God for you each day.

Budget breakdown for help received.

Cooking oil =60litres,one litre cost Ksh. 450x60litres=Ksh27000

Maize =276kilogram,

one kg =Ksh.290 x 276 =80000

Vegetables 160 kgs. 1kgs =Ksh. 160x160kgs=Ksh.25600

Rice=200Kilogram,one kgs=Ksh. 250x200kgs=Ksh.50000

Unga ngano/baking flour 164kgs One kilogram =Ksh.160x65 kgs=Ksh.10400

Beans 143 kgs one kilogram Ksh. 350=Ksh.50000

Transport cost Ksh. 7000

May God bless you and the church in Kenya for prayers and help for the children under our care.

Thanks we are praying for you all and trust that you come to Kenya in the future with your team. Welcome Kenya, may might God provide for your needs and for Kenya church/Orphanage. Thanks.

We are glad for the trust you have for the work in Kenya. May God bless you all. Thanks for your regular help. Thanks. Greetings from the children and churches leaders as we met together.


Yours Son Joel and Church/Leadership


If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to “The Log Church” and write “Orphans” on the memo line.

Send it to:

 The Log Church

PO  Box 68

Tripoli Wisconsin 54564

We now need to pay a wire transfer fee with every payment, which amounts to $50 each time, but other than that, your donated money will be used only for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. We wait until we have $4000-$5000 before we make the bank transfer to make each transfer more economical. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose. Thanks!  

To view receipts, click on the Read More button

Sunday, October 2, 2022


As you might suppose, one’s view of life is affected in many ways by living in a foreign country. At least mine has been. I am not talking about mere travel.  I am not referring to tourism. 

What I mean is when one needs to settle down for an extended period in a foreign land, long enough where he has to buy or rent a house and set up a residence. I have had to do this six times (I just counted), in six separate countries of the world other than the United States.

This is different than travel or tourism, for in settling down, a person must learn to live in a culture that is foreign to anything that he has ever before experienced. It is possible to exist, certainly, but to live in a content manner is a different matter entirely, and it is not always easily accomplished.