In some Biblical accounts, the dreams were given by God as a
means of giving instructions to the dreamer as to what he or she should do.
Joseph, the husband of Mary, received a number of these types of dreams to tell
him to take Mary as his wife, and also then to instruct him as to when he should
relocate his young family of Mary and Jesus to avoid danger. Even
the Magi received a dream to tell them not to reveal to King Herod the
whereabouts of the child Jesus.
In other Biblical accounts, the dreams given by God often
provided a vision to the dreamer of something that was going to take place in
the future. The entire book of Revelation is the account of several of these
visions that were given to the Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos.
The Dreamer
It is this second type of dream that is the subject of this post. These are the dreams that give a foreshadowing of events that will
take place in the future. The dreams in the Bible story that we are going to
look at here were either given to, or interpreted by a man who was even called
“the dreamer” by his brothers, albeit not in a complimentary fashion.The Dreamer