Thursday, January 28, 2021


If you scroll down on this blog past the sermon post and then the post of the Orphan’s Notes
of Gratitude, you will come to the post entitled, “The Next Phase for the Orphanage.”

Up until this time in the orphanage, we have struggled to supply the kids with food and other daily needs, medical care, and assuring that they could attend school. By God’s grace and the help of many kind people, we have been able to build a very nice dormitory for the children, which has been a huge benefit and blessing.

But now is perhaps the time to think about the next phase. We believe this orphanage is filling a big need in the community, and it is a need that will not disappear. Thus, we think that it is the time to begin to think about the future.

With that in mind, about a week and a half ago, I wrote to Pastor Joel and the leadership with some proposals that they should investigate. Today I received their report.

The entire report is a 10-page proposal, but to get an idea of what we are thinking, here is part of it. We hope to move ahead with the double initiative of beginning a school, and at the same time concentrating of a gardening project. These are separate in some ways, but also complimentary of one another.

Please read and pray:



DATE: 25th JAN. 2021

Name of organization:                        LOG Orphanage Home

PROJECT TITLE:                              LOG Orphanage Home School and Gardening Project

Project Proposal Title:                         LOG School and Gardening Project Proposal

Proposal problem: 

Need to have school for orphan children and garden to produce food products for the children.

Description of Problem

LOG orphanage Home fosters Orphans and needy children from the surrounding communities. Because of the swelling number of children of this kind, public schools that are supposed to cater for keep complaining of congestion in classrooms. This ends up at mistreating and mishandling of the children we send to these schools from our orphanage home. This necessitates that we have a school for our centre, where the children can learn without disturbance or mistreatment. Besides school administration, other children keep teasing them. This may affect their learning.

Secondly, sometimes food staffs are expensive and purchasing food for all of them is cumbersome because of this the centre leaders were of an opinion that the orphanage start a gardening project. This project apart from being a source of food materials for the children it will also be a learning resource for them. If expanded, it can also be a source of the orphanage home income.

Way forward

To liaise   with possible sponsor(s),  friends and well-wishers for possible funding. This will help to start a school that will gradually grow over time and alongside also start a gardening project that will also grow overtime.


a)      School

Learners will have conducive learning environment

They will not need to walk long distances to search for education

School can be used to train them on new skills to make them self-reliant

In future school can became a source of income as other children from able families can be admitted on small school fee.


b)     Gardening

Will ensure of sufficiency of food supply

Money to buy food staff can be used for other beneficial work.

Garden will be a learning resource centre

Will help train children on responsibility




1.      Improvement of children’s academic  performance

2.      Reduction in cases of complaints from the children

3.      Growing of population in school and recording of positive index.

4.      Improvement of children’s health

5.      Expansion of school and gardening projects overtime.

Targeted population/beneficiaries

i)                    Orphan and vulnerable children from the community

ii)                  Community members

iii)                The church members

iv)                Employees especially who will work in the school

v)                  Suppliers of inputs to school and garden projects

vi)                Agricultural extension officers

vii)              Transport service provides

viii)            The teaching staff

ix)                The church pastors and the clergy at large


Justification of proposal

i)                    Project needs to start at manageable level and then established to grow and expend gradually.

ii)                  The vulnerable and separate orphan children needs our attention

iii)                The school will be a centre of excellence where hope will be given to the hopeless.

iv)                The jobless will find jobs that will enable to improve their families, therefore improving community development

v)                  The gardening project will impart skills into the children and youth making them self reliant as early in life as possible.

vi)                The orphanage   home and the LOG church have human resource capacity capable of managing and implementing every policy made within the institutions.

vii)              The climate and fertile soil is most suitable for agricultural activities.


a)      Coverage: To cover the immediate community and neighboring communities extending to neighboring countries

b)      Time Span: Five years expansion time and the sustained too many years to come


The remainder of this report includes an Action Plan, a plan for Monitoring, Evaluation, Assessment, Feedback, Management of the Project, Organization Structure, Human Resource Capacity, Risk Management, Sustainability, Project Expenditures for both the School and the Garden, and Expected Outcome.

As you can see, they put a lot of thought and work into this report. If you would like to read it in its entirety, please let me know.

Thanks also for your prayers. Your interest and prayers are greatly appreciated!

If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to “The Log Church” and write “Orphans” on the memo line.

Send it to:
The Log Church
PO Box 68
Tripoli Wisconsin 54564

We now need to pay a wire transfer fee with every payment, which amounts to $50 each time, but other than that, your donated money will be used only for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. We wait until we have $4000-$5000 before we make the bank transfer to make each transfer more economical. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose. Thanks!

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