During “form 2” (the sophomore year), the students begin to study subjects in which they are more likely to excel. During “form 3” (the juniors), the students are increasingly encouraged toward their abilities, and during “form 4” (seniors—you get the picture), the students are very directed toward their likely fields.
As far as I can understand, the college is somewhat like out own “technical schools,” in the United States, where the students can learn a specific skill. The skills included in this are professions such as teachers for primary schools, nurses, pharmacists, engineering, and several others.
The universities give instruction in more specialized fields, such as more advanced medical studies, teachers for secondary schools and beyond, and in fact, most of the skills taught in the colleges but at a more advanced level.
Again, the students are not completely at liberty to decide their studies. It is based upon how they scored on their exams. In many ways, the education department determines what career the student should pursue.
The orphanage currently has four students in secondary. Three are in their first year of the four-year high school, one is in her third year.
The more advanced studies also require funding, just as you would expect. If the students have done well in their secondary studies and if they have finished well in their exams, there are scholarships or other types of funds available from the government for at least part of these expenses. The students also are given on-campus work, just as universities in the US have, and this is a way that the students can fund their education.
But there is always an additional cost. The two above mentioned sources of funding are rarely enough to cover the entire cost of the education.
At the orphanage, we currently have four youths who have finished their secondary training. These four are still living at the orphanage since they have nowhere else to go, but given the very many expenses that we are currently facing in the orphanage, there are is no funding for these students. However, we praise God that they have been able to finish with their secondary training. Many children in Kenya do not.
But I have asked each of these four to write a short biography of themselves, telling of their background and hopes for the future. I am not sure when I will receive these, but when I do, I will put them up on this blog page.
I have told them that perhaps (just perhaps), God will put it in the heart of someone to help these advance into college or university.
These are the things that I have learned about the educational system here, and how it affects what we do in the orphanage.
I am beginning my journey home this evening. It has continued being extremely cold at our farm, but Vivian has worked diligently and has not only been well herself, but has kept the animals safe and healthy.
“Thank you Honey! I love you so much!”
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