Sunday, July 23, 2023


Here is what Joanna sent today:

Hope that your service went well this morning also, Don! Our service was POWERFUL!!! πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ WOW! So thankful we were able to be there to praise and worship and observe the Holy Spirit moving!!

Heading to the field! When we got there, Ben, Josh, and the boys went over to organize some sport games. Joel had told us ahead of time that the kids knew how to play wiffle ball (baseball with plastic bat and hollow ball). Well it seemed they did NOT know or understand the game at all πŸ˜… Many laughs trying to explain and learn the game. They played kickball/soccer also.

While they were doing that, Claire passed out these doodle boards to the younger ones. You can write on them and then erase with a touch of a button. Simple concept that provides endless fun and entertainment as well as learning opportunities! She challenged them to draw different objects, and it was so fun for all! 

Then we passed out candy we brought along.

Sweets were like a magnet for the kids! They crowded around and couldn't get enough!

Next was meal time and they were able to eat in this tent they had set up specially for our visit

Next Levi passed out some more treats and then we set up a bracelet making station. 

This was a HUGE HIT!! I managed to snap this pic right when we set up and Westin started making a bracelet. Because very soon after, the kids swarmed and crowded around!! 

All ages loved learning how to make these and

couldn't get enough!! Crowd control was a bit tough! πŸ˜…

The kids caught on quickly! We only wished we could've brought more supplies for them!

Next we were able to pass out Bibles. We purchased several Action Bibles with the graphic pictures to go along with scripture. We also gave both Swahili and English Bibles. I think 18 in all!

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