Monday, September 6, 2021


Vivian and I have lately been praying about making a trip to Kenya to reconnect with the people and the children there. We both feel the need to go and think that it is important, and although we will like to see the people again, I will also say frankly that it is a trip that I do not wish to make.

Nevertheless, I felt the same for the other trips I made there, and we saw how God truly did bless those times. And now we are praying about it again.

I shared with Joel my concerns about making such a trip, including covid restrictions, leaving our house and farm during cold weather, reducing the cost of the trip and stay in Kisii, besides some other things. It is a matter of prayer, and we ask you also to pray about this possibility.

This trip is far from a certainty, but we will see how God responds.

Here is Joel’s response to my inquiries:


Dear beloved Mum, Dad, Church and Friends,

We thank God for the love and concern for the family in Kenya. May God bless you all. The church and the leaders in Kenya are happy to hear that you are coming to Kenya with Mum. Welcome.

We pray God to help us keep the fire burning and embrace the mission of your ministry here. Thanks for spiritual teaching you post on the blog. It is helpful and making the church growing rapidly.

Each day we mention you in the presence of God to keep you and all under your care in the good health. May good God reward you in the good work you and team are doing in helping the work in Kenya. We wish that you all were here in the body to see how the church and children appreciate you all. Daily they are praying for you all.

We praise God that overseer Don and Vivian who are coming and our prayers is that even all of you are helping this work come with Pastor Don on the near future trip.

We thank God for the grace He has given to us. We praise God for His love that has instituted this sharing and the work that has brought us this far. We thank God that He has accepted us to handle the help that you send regularly.

We trust God will send you to Kenya and witness the work the help is doing here. Please pray for this the great project. As we are doing it, we need the hand of God. Kindly pray for this work. We pray to God that to continue to minister to you and open every opportunity to your life and light up your ways.

We pray for you each time and we believe with you that God is doing great new thing like never before. We pray that blessing of God flow upon you so that you even lack space to hold them.

We pray for the church ministers and members for God to give you favor in anything you do and everything you touch by your hand is multiplied double portion. God bless you all.

The School

We thank God for the provision of the school building is progressing well. When government engineers visited us, they advised us to begin administration block and toilet block together with main classes building.

(Editor’s note [mešŸ˜€]: To quickly explain, the entire building in the shape of a square bracket ] except that the two legs are longer in comparison to the side. The longest side of this shape is where the majority of the classrooms will be located, one of the legs will be for the bathrooms, and the other for the school offices, at least on the ground floor. Some classrooms will be above on the other two floors.
We at first were only going to begin with the main classroom section only, but now the engineers advised us to build the entire building up together from the ground up)

Joel: Now we started the administration block so that the building will have a stable foundation hence for the administration block, classes, and toilet. This will now increase the cost because when the architect calculated at first  for only classes. Now the cost of first floor will increase cost as administration block and toilet now. The cost will be Ksh. 950,000 to finish first floor,

This will cover bricks, D8, D12, D16 (various sizes of rebar), Sand hardcore for administration block, Cement and Skilled labor. Unskilled labor is provided by the church, members.

The Church

Our service on Sunday was well and the presence of God was present. Really appreciate all your work and love God bless you once again.

We thank for the time during last week when we had no food. God used some of the church members who helped the children with food for 3 of the days. In the days without food we were praying and fasting and we are seeking God daily.

In our church service we are seeing God doing great work here even the church building is becoming smaller and others are listening from outside church building. We are seeing the church taking root here and you will see this as you come on the near future. As we later had the meeting with church leaders, we agreed as leaders that every Sunday will be prayer and fasting day.

Also, every day we will arrange daily group of members who will be having a daily fasting God to release the destiny of the November trip. We know that God will provide what needed for trip and this school project.

The Trip

Now questions of the trip: On the hotel you will remain the one you used other trips and on the vehicle one of the friend who has agreed to offer us his car and we will only fuel the car you will use during that time you will be here with Mum.

We are spending most the days in prayer and fasting releasing whatever God has for you and Kenya work, we trust in prayer everything will be possible. Thanks we are praying for you all and trust that we will see you coming to Kenya in the future with Overseas Donald and Mum Vivian. Welcome Kenya. May might God provide for your needs and for Kenya church-Orphanage. Thanks.

We are glad for the trust you have for the weekly report which is posted on blog by Pastor Don. May God bless you all. Thanks for your regular help. Thanks. Greetings from the children and churches leaders as we met together.


Yours Son Joel and Log Church Leadership


If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to “The Log Church” and write “Orphans” on the memo line.

Send it to:

The Log Church

PO  Box 68

Tripoli Wisconsin 54564

We now need to pay a wire transfer fee with every payment, which amounts to $50 each time, but other than that, your donated money will be used only for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. We wait until we have $4000-$5000 before we make the bank transfer to make each transfer more economical. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose. Thanks!


Below is the food budget. Press "Read More" to view

The food budget  was Ksh. 400, 000.

Sugar 156.8kgs. 1kg=ksh.160 x156. 8=Ksh.25100

Cooking oil =60itres,one litre cost Ksh. 250x60litres=Ksh.15,000.

Sanitizer 29litres, one litre @ 150=Ksh.4400

Vegetables 160 kgs. 1kgs =Ksh. 160 x 110kgs=Ksh.17700

Beans=400kilogramm,one kgs cost Ksh. 250x400kgs=Ksh. 85,000.

Soap 20Kilogram,1kg @150=Ksh.3,000.

Rice=479Kilogram,one kgs=Ksh. 167x479kgs=Ksh.80, 000

Maize =608 kilogram, one kg =Ksh.220 x608Kgs =Ksh.133800

Unga ngano/baking flour 188. kgs One kilogram =Ksh.140 x188 kgs=Ksh.26,300

Salt 38Kgs=3800

Transport cost Ksh.5900

We thank God for the provision, day consumption (breakfast, lunch and supper)=number of days. 400000 ÷ Ksh. 22364 =17 days.


Ksh. 300, 000 of what God provided was used to buy material for the school building. glory and peace be unto you all beloved saint over there.


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