Thursday, April 9, 2020


(I have three separate “strings” or series going on this blog page right now. Confused? So am I.
But to help us all out, they are:
     1: Messages to an Empty Church, which are devotionals that I am writing during this time of quarantine when we are not meeting at the Log Church
     2: Kisii Orphanage, which are recollections from my first trip to Kenya in 2017; and
     3 [this one] Kisii Report, which are items of current happenings at the orphanage.
I hope that all helps.
Notice the 2 metre spacing between
people in the queue (to use the Queen's
English). This spacing in lines may
be common in Sweden (for instance)
but definitely NOT in Kenya!
Perhaps you remember that it was almost a week ago that I shared with you a portion of an email that I had received from Pastor Joel, in which he told me that the Health Minister was making certain safety requirements to the orphanage because of the covid-19 threat.

Queuing up before the virus
That visit by the health inspector and these requirements came on the day that the food supply at the orphanage was about to be depleted. 
“We need toilet drug to kill bacteria  in the toilet, sanitizer and antibiotic soap for washing hands keep praying for  us, food is the most challenge we have now the children are challenged greatly kindly help us as God will provide we trust God will hear our prayers.
We have only today food. Thanks.” 
I had nothing to send them to help at the time, and resorted only to my daily prayer to God: “These are your children Father. Please take care of them. Kindly provide food for them, as well as their other daily needs.”
During the days of this previous week, this had been my prayer for the orphans.
But as it happened, also during this previous week, some of you responded to what God had placed on your hearts. You wrote out some checks, addressed them to our Log Church, and dropped them in your mailboxes.

In the days following, those letters appeared in our church PO Box. Yesterday morning, our church treasurer delivered that money to me, then yesterday in the afternoon, I was able to go to town to send the amount that I had received to Kenya.
Before I had actually received the money, I knew the amount that had come in to the church, and earlier in the day yesterday wrote to Joel. “Encourage the children,” I told him. “God has provided and I will send it soon.”
About noon today (Kenya noon), they were able to go to the market to buy the food, and perhaps the other items as well. It is time, since they are in their fourth day without food.
Again, I want to thank each one of you who is responding to what God puts on your heart. As always, I prefer not to put every current and critical need of the orphanage out there, but would rather only to pray about it, and then see how God will supply. Frankly, a new crisis arises almost every week, so you would soon tire of hearing of them.
But God does not tire of them, and although every week is a struggle as viewed from my perspective, God has been faithful.
For my part, I would much rather write about the answers to prayers instead of writing emotional appeals. 

My only emotional appeal is the appeal that Paul made to the people of Corinth, “Be reconciled to God.” 

If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to “The Log Church” and write “Orphans” on the memo line.
Send it to:
The Log Church
PO Box 68
Tripoli, Wisconsin 54564
Every nickel given in this way will be used for only aid for the orphans. It will be used for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose

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