Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Dear Beloved Dad, Mum and Church,

Greetings from Kenya church and orphanage family. We are always grateful to God for since we started having fellowship with Log Church USA and other friends who have joined through pastor Don and Vivian, we have seen how God has worked.

  We had no home of our own for the children to sleep in but now through the help of God moving in your hearts we have a home for the Log orphanage Kenya. Even if there are other things that are needed in the home which have not completed for its full use, such as some beds, mattresses, blankets and other necessities, we have flushing toilets in each far end of the dormitory for boys and girls. This has made

Early morning chores -
Carrying water for flushing toilets

the sanitation situation to be good.



The kids must carry water each day and time to flush the toilet. Sometimes if no water you can see how it will smell. See pictures attached children carrying to go flush the toilet. We have the house that can harvest some water when there is rain, but no water tank to collect water for easy cleaning of the toilet and home for their stay in good health. Thanks we request your help for this.

Kale donated by a church member or
grown on church property

Beloved each and every hour for the life free of starvation we need to talk about food because its gives energy for the living creature to survive, we are suffering at the moment the children are growing weak and thin. We seek God to supply.
Yes the members are bringing food for the orphans, some vegetables as you can see on the
Wafers made from maize flour

pictures, but it’s not enough and does not give the children health nutrients. Some of the food is not good for the health, but we eat because we must fill the stomach. We give it to them because we have no good food to feed the children. Kindly help these children to have good health and better stay.
School fees

We are still struggling with the schooling of these kids because
they need school and money is needed for the better running of the school. The children are in school but they are need to pay the school fees. We are getting the reminding letters from schools where our children from the orphanage attend to learn. Kindly help us to have school fees cleared and the children with have good time to learn.

We want to thank all who have been in the position to help and
support these children ,we request your more effort for these children to have hope and keep seeing God fighting for their life each day. We thankful to God each moment we remember what God has done through your giving. Kindly do not stop helping these children.

It’s not easy job we are doing here of helping 42 plus children. We
Church Leadership Team
alone we cannot but we request for joining hands. Yes we are helping them but it is not we who are meeting their needs. Our prayers are to God to supply to your needs and for these children and church in Kenya.

We are seeing God calling more souls to the kingdom like on Sunday we had 5 new souls added to the church family and to the heaven family. On the church we have no church building that can accommodate all the church members. We now are carrying out service out of the existing building but its small now. Kindly pray for God to supply that we can have a lager place of worship. Thanks we request your prayers for the church and for the orphans under our care. God bless you all,

 Yours Son Joel and church Leadership.

If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to "The Log Church" and write "Orphans" on the memo line.

Send it to:
The Log Church
PO Box 68
Tripoli, Wisconsin 54564 

Every nickel given in this way will be used for only aid for the orphans. It will be used for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose

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