We will remember that Paul concluded that
introductory sentence by speaking of the how the people of the Ephesian church
had come to belief in Christ, and how they were given the Holy Spirit as a pledge of
their eventual redemption. All of this, he said, was “to the praise of the
glory of God.”
Now, in this next sentence (which incidentally,
is another very long one), Paul tells the Ephesians that it is for these reasons
that he gives thanks for them and is praying for them.
There are two more specific motives that Paul
mentions for giving thanks. First, he was thankful for the faith that the Ephesians had placed in the Lord Jesus; and second, he
was thankful for the fact that they demonstrated
love toward all the saints, that is, for other Christians. In all of his
writings, Paul continually had these two aspects of the life of the church in
his mind.
I had earlier mentioned that Paul had spent a
great deal of time in the city of Ephesus. Although he no doubt personally knew
many of the people who would read this letter, Paul also says that he “had heard”
of the faith of the believers and of their love for the saints. The way in
which Paul states this must mean that there were many others whom he had not
before met and who had come to believe after he had left.
Indeed, during his two year stay in the hall of
Tyrannus of the city of Ephesus, word of his teaching spread to “all the
residents of Asia.” (Acts 19:10). Many of these Paul had not met while he was there. In addition, there
were no doubt others who through the first Christians, also came to belief
after Paul’s departure. Upon hearing of these new converts, Paul wrote this
letter intending that they also would receive it so they would know that he
prayed also for them. He wanted them to know that he praised God for all of
Wisdom and Revelation
But Paul’s prayers for the Ephesian Christians
was not only to give thanks for them. He also had some specific things for
which he prayed on behalf of these
believers. Here is what he told them: “I pray that… the God of our Lord Jesus
Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of
revelation in the knowledge of Him” (Ephesians 1:17 NAS).
When Paul talks about a spirit of wisdom, it should be understood that he is primarily
talking about wisdom of a spiritual nature. There is, of course, also such a
thing as worldly wisdom. Worldly wisdom is when understanding and insight are
acquired through learning about and experiencing the social, political and economic
systems of the world. Worldly wisdom can be either positive or negative,
depending upon where and how one acquires it and what one does with the wisdom
he or she has attained.
Spiritual wisdom likewise can either be
positive or negative, and for the same reasons. It depends upon where one
acquires it and what one does with it. Like worldly wisdom, spiritual wisdom in
its own sphere is often acquired by learning about and experiencing the more spiritual
aspects of our existence. There are great dangers in gaining spiritual wisdom
in this way, for there are many sources of very harmful spiritual teachings
available in the world. Every one of these teachings is Satan’s attempt to
deceive and manipulate us.
But if the spiritual source of the teaching is
sound, gaining wisdom will have great benefits. It all depends upon the source.
Because of this, it is important for us to read the entire phrase of what Paul
is praying for the Ephesians. He says that he prays that they would be given a
“spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him.”
Spiritual wisdom that is positive can only come
by way of revelation from God. We gain knowledge by learning spiritual truths
that God gives to us. We can attain to this knowledge by no other means. We
cannot, by our own efforts, “experiment” with the spiritual world, trying this
and that, until by our own efforts we grow to the knowledge of God.
Rather, it is as Paul says, the Father of glory
“gives” us this spirit of wisdom. He
does it by way of revealing himself to us so that we may know him.
How is this done? The most common means of
revelation that God gives to us is the Holy Scriptures. In the Bible, God has
revealed himself to us in ways that we could learn in no other manner.
Nevertheless, even in reading the Scriptures, many do not come to see what God is revealing, nor do they see his wisdom. They fail to understand. There are also many, of course, who not only do not see, but also flatly reject the wisdom of God without even trying to see.
Nevertheless, even in reading the Scriptures, many do not come to see what God is revealing, nor do they see his wisdom. They fail to understand. There are also many, of course, who not only do not see, but also flatly reject the wisdom of God without even trying to see.
However, it is because of the many who would
accept the revelation if they could only see it clearly, or because of those
who do not understand it, that Paul continues his prayer.
To See with Eyes of the Heart
As Paul continues to tell the Ephesians of his
prayer, he says, “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so
that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the
glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of
His power toward us who believe” (Ephesians 1:18-19a NAS).
Although the phrase “the eyes of your heart” is
meaningless in a physical sense, it is not difficult for us to understand what
Paul intends to say. In contrast to physical truths that we can see with our
physical eyes, spiritual truths must be discerned by other means.
Paul writes to the church at Corinth in much
the same way when he talks about the fact that the things of the Spirit of God
seem like foolishness to the “natural man.”
These people, using only their natural senses and human intellect, are
not able to see and to understand those things of the Spirit. This is because, as
Paul tells them, these things are “spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians
2:14). That is, these are the
things that are seen with the sight given by the eyes of the heart.
Striking Blind the Physical Eyes
This ministry of opening the eyes of the hearts
of people was specifically given to Paul when he was first called into service
as he fell before the great light on the Damascus road. At that time, Paul was
not a follower of Jesus Christ. He was, in fact, a persecutor of the church of Christ. He was on his way to the city
of Damascus armed with the authority to throw the Christians there into prison
However, as Paul approached the city, he was
struck blind in his eyes by a bright light that suddenly flashed from out of
the sky. So overwhelming was the shock of the light that it threw Paul to the
ground. The whole account is recorded for us in the biblical book of Acts.
The way that Luke, the author of the book of
Acts, describes Paul’s condition at that event is interesting when it is
compared with how Paul himself describes the experience. Luke writes that when
Paul rose from the ground, “although his eyes were opened, he saw nothing” (Acts 9:8).
This was the perspective of someone else
observing what was happening to Paul at the time. Paul was blind, and like any
blind man, he could not see anything.
Opening the Spiritual Eyes
However, Paul had a somewhat different
description of what happened to him. Some years later, in telling about the
event, Paul said that it was during the time when he was struck blind in his
eyes that God had told him, “‘Get up and stand on your feet;
for this purpose I have appeared to you, to appoint you a minister and a
witness not only to the things which you have seen, but also to the things in
which I will appear to you” (Acts 26:16 NAS).
The comparison in the two accounts of the event
is significant. While Luke only noted Paul’s physical blindness and how he
could see nothing, Paul says that it was precisely at this time when God appeared to him. It was during the time
of Paul’s physical blindness that he actually had a vision of God.
In fact, it is interesting to see that in this statement
of Paul’s, a word relating to vision
is mentioned by God three times; “I have
appeared to you…the things which you have seen…I
will appear to you.”
This is what it means to see with the eyes of
one’s heart. Physical sight means little in these times. What is important is
seeing God and hearing what he says to you.
The Ministry of Opening Eyes
As God continued to speak to Paul during this
time of physical blindness, the thrust of God’s words continues to be about sight
instead of about blindness. In all of this, God gives Paul spiritual awareness. This
spiritual awareness always involves the eyes of the heart.
In God’s statement, he told Paul that he was
sending him to the Jewish people and the Gentiles “To open their eyes so that
they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God” (Acts 26:18
Again, in this period of physical blindness,
there is no talk of darkness and the inability to see, but “to open one’s eyes and to turn to the light.”
An Old Testament Illustration of
Seeing with the Eyes of the Heart
During the time of the Old Testament prophet
Elisha, the king of Syria had grown furious with the prophet, because Elisha
would tell the enemy of the king about the movements of the Syrian army. The
enemy of the king of Syria was the king of Israel.
This Elisha was able to do not because of any
espionage work, but because the Lord God told him. To eliminate further leaking
of this information, the king of Syria decided to send an assassination force
to the town where Elisha was staying, a town by the name of Dothan.
The Syrian army went down at night and
surrounded the city. When Elisha’s servant arose early the next morning, he saw
the army and became afraid. He knew that the army had come for his master. The
servant said to Elisha, “Alas master, what shall we do?”
The prophet tried to allay the fears of his
servant and told him, “Do not fear. Those who are with us are greater than
those who are with them.”
The servant apparently did not know exactly
what Elisha meant by this statement, so Elisha prayed, “Lord, open his eyes
that he may see.”
Elisha was speaking not about the servant’s
physical eyes, which evidently could see very well. However, with those physical eyes he
only saw the Syrians. But when the Lord opened his spiritual eyes, he saw the
army of the Lord consisting of horses and chariots of fire filling the
mountains around the city. This is what he saw with the eyes that the Lord had
opened (2 Kings 6:13-17).
Within Sight of the Heart
This incident of the experience of Elisha and
his servant is an illustration of eyes that were opened to see the spiritual
realities that our physical eyes cannot see. The eyes of the heart that Paul
speaks about in his letter to the Ephesians also give vision to spiritual
What is it that we should expect to see with
our eyes when they are opened?
Will we see horses and chariots of fire?
Will we have a vision of Jesus, as did Paul?What comes with seeing with the eyes of one’s heart?
Will we have a vision of Jesus, as did Paul?What comes with seeing with the eyes of one’s heart?
Although I would never put any limitations on
what God will reveal to someone with thier spiritual eyes, Paul is not really
talking here about seeing angels or other spiritual beings. Rather, he is
talking about matters which involve our eternal inheritance.
Here is how Paul continues to the Ephesian
church: “That you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what
are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable
greatness of his power toward us who believe” (Ephesians 1:18-19 ESV).
Again, we find ourselves overwhelmed by so many
meaningful phrases, that we may be inclined to read through them rather
unthinkingly and group them together with a whole list of other “nice things.”
This we could do, just as we might walk through a meadow full of wild flowers
and other plants, and simply enjoy the stroll. But on occasion, it is nice to
bend down and inspect the individual flowers and plants. In this way we come to
appreciate the significance of each one.
If we stop a moment to bend down and inspect the
first phrase, we may have to admit that we cannot even really understand what
Paul is saying. What does it mean to know the hope of God’s calling?
Well… we get a little better understanding of
this later in the letter, where Paul lists some of the different aspects of the
hope of our calling. In Ephesians 4:4-6, Paul writes, “…You were called in one
hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of
all, who is over all and through all and in all.”
Steps in Achieving Hope
We will look at all of these specifics the hope
that Paul is talking about at a later point, but before we do, it is important
to talk a little about the way in which Paul uses the word hope.
He does not mean it in the same sense that we
often use the word. We use it to express what is only a desire. For instance,
when we are in the midst of a drought and looking up into an almost cloudless
sky, we may say, “I hope we get some rain today.” What we really mean is, “It
probably is not going to rain but I wish it would.”
In our use of the word today, we are usually
disappointed in the things we hope for, since so often our hopes are not
realized. We usually do not even expect them to be realized.
This is not the sense of the word which Paul
uses. In contrast to the way we use the word hope, Paul uses it to speak of something that is secure and
It is more accurate to say that Paul uses it
more in the sense of an inevitable goal.
We can see this especially in some words that he wrote to the Roman church:
“Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within
our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us” (Romans 5:5).
In fact, if we go back a few verses in this
chapter of Romans, we will see that the attainment of hope is a final stage of
the process of a believer’s dedication to Christ:
Therefore having been justified by faith, we
have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have
obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult
in hope of the glory of God. (Romans 5:1-2 NAS)
Here we see that Paul is actually talking about
a process involved with Christian growth, all of it built upon faith. Once
justified with God, we also have peace with him. This same faith helps us to
understand the riches of the grace of God. Then, once these are also known,
only then do we see the hope of the glory of God. Only through this process do
we achieve the security of hope.
Do we see that this is in some ways the
opposite of how we apply hope in this world? In the things of this life, hope
often comes first. We hope to achieve something and work at it until the hope
is realized. We hope to complete the doctorate program and then work and study until we graduate.
But Paul is telling us that in the spiritual sense, hope is actually the last step of the process. It is the goal that has been promised to us by God. Besides this, spiritual hope is not the result of our own efforts. It is instead the result of a process sustained by the grace of God.
But Paul is telling us that in the spiritual sense, hope is actually the last step of the process. It is the goal that has been promised to us by God. Besides this, spiritual hope is not the result of our own efforts. It is instead the result of a process sustained by the grace of God.
The hope of God can only come about when we
properly understand his justification, his peace and his grace. It is only after
we are living in all of these truths that we will see the sure and eternal hope
of God.
We will look at some of the specifics of this
hope in the next installment.
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