Tuesday, May 7, 2019


The dormitory has been finished and the orphans are now sleeping in their new home. This has been a long and continual prayer of ours, and is the result of several people helping out financially. Most of all, of course, it is the result of the goodness of God.

It was a step-by-step process, where we built as we had funding. Every step was done in consultation with the government officials, since we wanted all to be done properly.

The rains in Kisii have begun, so we are grateful that the orphans now have a dry and healthy place to sleep. Were it not for the completion of this dormitory, soon we would have begun to experience some of the health problems that the children experienced last year. We are praying for a much better year this time.

First Step - we were able to buy
5,500 bricks
So what’s next? Are we done?

Speaking for myself at least, I cannot say that I am done. God has given Vivian and me no indication that we may now retire from this work. The needs of the children continue,
leveling and preparing the site
and with 42 of them, the cost of running the orphanage is significant—about $5000 per month.

Food is the main expenditure, of course. But there are also other needs, such as shoes and
clothing, cleaning supplies, personal care and health items, fuel for cooking, and all the rest that go along with growing children.

Then there is the schooling. For nine months out of the year, the fees to the schools equal about $1000 per month, plus the cost of uniforms, books, paper, pencils, and some other incidentals. 

Beginning the brick work
Of the $5000 per month, there are no salaries included. No one is making money in this work. 

It seems overwhelming, but my attitude is that I can only do what the Lord enables me to do. As I have told Pastor Joel on several occasions, I have been a servant of God and of the church my entire adult life. I have never worked in a job that has made me a man of substantial financial means. When it comes to finances, I do what I can, but I have no great wealth to contribute.

However, throughout my life, I have seen God do amazing things. In truth, I have seen many things happen in God’s work for
plate beam ready
which I could see no logical explanation. I was not able to put pen to paper and calculate how the costs that we faced had been paid. They were not met by extensive financial petitions or clever campaigns designed to appeal to the emotions of potential donors.

rafters are cut
The best that I could say was that it was the result of the hand of God.

I am convinced that God will continue to do amazing things in the lives of these orphans. They are his children, and he will care for them.

plastering inside and out

HUGE septic tank

Ceiling and painting




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