Several years after we finished the school, Vivian and I
were still working to better our communication skills in Spanish. By any and
all means necessary, I had made it my goal to learn the language well. For a
long time, I tried to do almost all my reading in Spanish, and to read in
English only when necessary. In the car, I had some cassette tapes (the
technology of the day) of speakers in Spanish, and I listened to them over and
over. I tried to watch the news on TV every day in Spanish and usually only
bought Spanish language newspapers.
Still, even after a couple of years of completing the
training in the Spanish language school, I missed much of what was being said
(depending on how clearly the speaker pronounced his words and how much slang
he used), and I continued to make many errors in grammar and syntax.
Nevertheless, it was nice to be finally at the point where I could actually
visit with our neighbors and to be able to follow a conversation between two
Spanish speakers. I began to have quite a few opportunities to preach. My
Spanish got better with time, but it still required quite an effort for me to
prepare a sermon and to preach it.
When I had been not long out of language school, one of the
pastors from town where we lived came to our home and told me about a series of
special services that the church was going to be having. They were going to
have a service on both Friday and Saturday nights and two services on Sunday. I
was quite amazed when he asked me if I would preach a series of sermons for the
weekend—four sermons in three days.
I am always glad to help when I can, but in this case, I
felt I was far from adequate for the task, and I told him so. I told him that I
had two language storage tanks inside of me: one for English and one for
Spanish. My English storage tank was almost always full, because I did not use
it so much, and it was easy for me to refill it.
My Spanish storage tank, however, was usually running toward
“empty,” because I was using it all the time, and it was more difficult for me
to refill that one. I thought I might have had enough Spanish for one or maybe
two sermons, but after that, my Spanish tank would be empty and I would have
only English words left. He just laughed, and it did not seem to scare him off
a bit.
Like Moses at the Burning Bush
I must say, when the pastor first asked me, the Lord put
into my mind some words that Moses had once said. God had spoken to Moses out
of a burning bush in the wilderness to send him back to Pharaoh and to lead the
children of Israel out of Egypt.
The response of Moses to this task was, “Please, Lord, I
have never been eloquent, neither recently nor in times past [being schooled in
Egyptian schools, was Hebrew a second language for Moses?]…for I am slow of
speech and slow of tongue” (Exodus 4:10 NAS).
That is how I felt, since to me, there was no denying that
when it came to Spanish, I was slow of speech. However, I wished the Lord would
not have brought that passage to my mind, because I also remembered the he said
to Moses:
“Who has made man’s mouth? Now then go, and I, even I will
be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say” (vs. 11-12).
Well, that pretty much ruled out my slow of tongue excuse.
Never had I worked so hard on a series of sermons. I am
under no illusions about my Spanish. The Lord did not give me eloquence for
three days. I really did not expect him to (even though I must admit that in
some of my prayers, I asked him to do so). And speaking of adequacy for the
job, I have seldom thought that I was adequate for any job I was doing for the
Rather, I have seen God work time and time again despite my
inadequacies. In fact, I have noticed that it is those times when I did think
that I was up to the task, and in the times when I had some kind of unfounded
confidence in myself and my own abilities, it was in those times that I was
finally left wondering if anything lasting really came out of it at all.
The truth of the matter is, we are never adequate. Moses was
correct in thinking that he was not up to the task, and I was also correct in
my assessment of my preaching abilities in Spanish. However, I flatter myself
if I think that my preaching abilities are much better in English, or for that
matter, if anything at all that I do is a satisfactory representation of God’s
The Adequate Moses
If we take ourselves a little further back in the story of
Moses—some forty years before he complained to God at the burning bush and
recommended that God find someone else to do the task—we do see a younger Moses
who perhaps thought that he was adequate for the task of leading the Israelites
out of Egypt. Forty years before the time of the burning bush, when Moses saw
one of his Hebrew brothers being beaten by an Egyptian, Moses struck the
Egyptian and killed him. Moses had taken the matter of defending the Hebrews
into his own hands.
Of course, Moses was also a Hebrew, but he had been raised
in the Pharaoh’s household. This upbringing gave Moses the best education
available in the world and also the knowledge and ability to deal with the
Egyptian society. These qualities perhaps made him feel that he should be the
logical choice to assume a position of leadership among the Hebrews. As he
defended the Hebrew slave, Moses may well have thought that his Hebrew brothers
would see him somewhat of a savior—the one who would lead them out of their
This did not happen. Moses hid the body of the Egyptian to
keep the matter from being known. But of course, the Hebrew slave whom he
delivered from the beating saw what had happened. The next day, when Moses
again went out to his brothers, he tried to reconcile a dispute between two
Hebrews. Naturally, this is what a leader would do, and Moses saw himself as an
emerging leader of his people. However, he was stunned by the response of the
man who was the aggressor in the incident.
“Who made you a prince or a judge over us?” the Hebrew asked
Moses. “Are you intending to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?” (Exodus 2:14
These words of the Hebrew slave frightened Moses, because he
then realized that by hiding the body of the Egyptian, he had not prevented the
matter of the murder from becoming known. Indeed, the news of the homicide did
actually reach the ears of the pharaoh. Moses was forced to flee from Egypt in
order to save his life.
However, another matter made evident in the words of the
Hebrew slave was something that was even more disheartening to Moses. From the
response of that man, it became apparent to Moses that the Hebrews did not
recognize him as their natural leader and savior. Despite the preparation of
Moses and his natural position in society, he began to see that he was not
adequate for the job. His résumé, as impressive as it may have been by
society’s standards, did not give competence in completing a task for God.
The Inadequate Moses
Forty years later, Moses’ response to the task of leading
the Hebrew nation out of bondage was, “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh,
and that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt? …What if they will not
believe me or listen to what I say?” (Exodus 3:11, 4:1 NAS).
Actually, these are fair questions. Moses’ concerns were
real. Moses now felt very inadequate for the job.
Notice, however, that God’s responses to these concerns had
nothing to do with building up Moses’ self-confidence. God did not remind Moses
of his education and experience. God did not tell Moses that since the day that
Moses had left Egypt, he had been living in the very area of the Sinai through
which he would lead the children of Israel. In this experience, Moses was gaining
knowledge of the land and how to live in that desolate place.
God did not tell Moses to have a “positive attitude,” and
attempt to convince him that he was now well prepared to carry out the task.
God did not try to build up Moses’ self-esteem.
What was God’s response to Moses’ concerns? God’s solution
to these difficulties really had nothing at all to do with Moses or with his
abilities. God’s solution was that Moses was to be the recipient of what God
would do. He said to Moses,
Certainly, I will be with you, and this shall be the sign to
you that it is I who have sent you…Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, “I
AM has sent me to you”…Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth, and
teach you what you are to say. (Exodus 3:12, 14; 4:12 NAS)
That was the point of it all, was it not? It would be God
who would accomplish the task. He simply assured Moses that he would be with
him. Notice, in the above words that God spoke to Moses, how many times God
made reference to himself…I will be with you…it is I who have sent you…I, even
I will be with your mouth, I AM has sent you.”
Looking at the situation from the human perspective, one
might naturally look at Moses’ résumé and say that he had been adequately
prepared. First of all, he had the natural position and the training of one who
could assume a position of leadership among his people. He also had the
training of living forty years in the Sinai, where he had learned the ways of
the wilderness and the skills needed to survive in that land.
However, it was none of these that made Moses the one who
would be the spokesman for God or the leader of his people. That which made
Moses a leader whom the people would follow was that God was with him and that
God had given him the task—only that.
The Rest was not for Nothing
Saying all of these things however, I think that I would
also say that God had given Moses his forty years of experience in the
pharaoh’s household and then forty additional years of experience in the
wilderness for a reason. These were indeed times of training for the eventual
task of Moses for the delivery of the children of Israel out of Egypt and
leading them through the wilderness. The education and life experiences had
indeed been valuable for him.
However, what God wanted to teach Moses was that although
these experiences were valuable, it was the presence of God that was
invaluable. Or, one could say, these experiences with God were supremely
valuable. God indeed gives us the training that we need to accomplish the tasks
that we need to do, but it is not the training that makes us adequate or
competent. Competence can only come from the words that God spoke to Moses,
“Certainly, I will be with you. I AM WHO I AM…I AM sent you” (Exodus 3:14,
God Remains the One Who Supplies
So it was that I worked on my series of sermons for that weekend. I prepared in the best manner that I was able to, but I also had an appreciation for the words of Moses when he told God that he was not eloquent.
So it was that I worked on my series of sermons for that weekend. I prepared in the best manner that I was able to, but I also had an appreciation for the words of Moses when he told God that he was not eloquent.
Despite my ineloquence, however, I truly believed the Lord
spoke to many hearts. Many people shared with me different lessons that they
had learned through the series of sermons, and several made decisions to give
their lives over to God and be born into the kingdom of heaven.
God had told Moses, “I, even I will be with your mouth and
teach you what you are to say.” But this is not simply only a promise to Moses
or a promise of the Old Testament. It is a promise given also to the disciples
of Christ for the very last days. Jesus tells the Christian that for those
days, when he is called to defend himself, he need not worry about how is it to
make his defense.
Jesus said about those last days, “For the Holy Spirit will
teach you in that very hour what you ought to say” (Luke 12:12, NAS).
In addition to this, the promise was not just for Moses, and
it is not just for the Christians of the very last days. Peter experienced this
when he stood before the authorities of his day. When Peter spoke to them, we
are told he was “filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 4:8).
Followers of Christ in any and every stage of history must
rely upon this filling of the Holy Spirit in speaking God’s word. Preparation
and study is important, but the Holy Spirit is essential.
I had told the people in the church at those meetings that
since I could not explain things as clearly as I would like, they would be
required to listen even more intently to what the Holy Spirit was saying. This
is the promise of Jesus to his disciples. The promise is the same as it is for
those believers of the last days. “For it is not you who speak, but it is the
Spirit of your Father who speaks in you” (Matthew 10:20, NAS).
In our service to the church and to Christ, we of course
work to prepare ourselves to the best of our abilities. But prepare and study
how we may, it is not from those things from where our adequacy comes. The
Apostle Paul said it the best: “Not that we are adequate in ourselves to
consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, who
made us adequate as servants of a new covenant” (2 Corinthians 3:5-6a NAS).
Indeed. It is a lesson that Moses learned under the Old
Covenant and one that every Christian worker must learn to be a true servant of
the New Covenant.
To learn this lesson requires each of us to spend time with the Lord. Even if it takes us forty years, we each must learn that all adequacy comes from God.
To learn this lesson requires each of us to spend time with the Lord. Even if it takes us forty years, we each must learn that all adequacy comes from God.
Thanks for reading and thanks for the encouragement!