Sunday, September 17, 2023


For the past week the orphanage has been out of food. “It has been challenging,” Pastor Joel
wrote to me.  “We have been using sometime black tea to sustain the kids with strength to walk to school.”


Praise God that the people of the church came and brought food for them for this day. I also heard from our partners in this work, MIPOD ministries from Illinois, are able to make a bank transfer tomorrow for $4000. This will sustain the kids for maybe a couple of weeks. I will see when Joel sends the report about the rising food prices there.

If you read the post last week that was written by the orphan child Moffat Miruka, you
learned that he and a group of five other boys have begun a poultry project at the orphanage. Moffat wrote: “In the evenings after school we look after these hens. It is our joy to see chicken hatching and multiplying gradually.”

You also saw last week that the garden is helping in providing food. I am not sure if these greens harvested from the garden gave them a little something to eat during the week, or if this was even before that time, but I am thankful that it is helping.

Please remember to pray for these children and the work there in Kisii, Kenya. Thank you also for gifts that have been given to help. God has been so good and it is a joy to see how the kids remain so thankful.


If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to “The Log Church” and write “Orphans” on the memo line.

Send it to:

 The Log Church

PO  Box 68

Tripoli Wisconsin 54564

We now need to pay a wire transfer fee with every payment, which amounts to $50 each time, but other than that, your donated money will be used only for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. We wait until we have $4000-$5000 before we make the bank transfer to make each transfer more economical. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose. Thanks!

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