Wednesday, March 23, 2022


Last week was a difficult week for the orphanage. The kids spent most days without food. I have mentioned before some the difficulties we sometimes encounter in allocating the money that we receive, in that from week to week, we actually do not know if there will be anything. We rarely have any reserve, since money that we receive at the Log Church is usually sent to Kenya within a few days. Last week was one of those weeks when we did not have enough in the fund to send, and the orphanage was without food.

But even in these types of situations, I trust that God had a purpose in it all. For two of those days last week, members of the church in Kenya were able to provide something for the children to eat. They took it upon themselves to give to this need.

You may wonder why they do not do this more often, but please remember that there are difficulties in this that we do not realize. In that region of severe poverty, almost no one has enough to eat. Nearly everyone goes through days of hunger. Of course I am not there day by day, but I truly believe that all are doing what they can.

The kids are already back in school for their second term of 2022. In a normal year, they would have a month of holiday in between terms, but in this year, they are making up for lost time during 2021—the covid year.

This also means that we have no holiday from paying school fees—no time when we are able to use the money to instead buy needed items. But God is good, and he will provide.

As far as the building of the new school, this remains on hold, but we will resume that work as the Lord provides. The orphanage staff recently went to the village of Kenyenya, about 5 kilometers from the orphanage, to look at the school there. In several ways, the main building of that school is similar to the one that we have planned. Joel talks a bit about this below. Here is his letter:


Dear beloved Dad, Mum, Church and Friends,

Our prayers are with you all, the church and leadership of the Log orphanage Kenya are humbled for the work you are doing, we have no word to express but may God bless, we are praying that heaven to honor you all. Our prayers are with you all, daily seeking God to guide and protect you from all evil formed against you.

Thanks for your prayers and donation towards the Log orphanage in Kenya, we pray that all who are involved may not lack any good thing in Jesus' name. We are humbled to report that the first term of 2022 has ended and the children are resuming back for second term on Wednesday 16/3/2022.

We have attached pictures of school compound when school are closed and picture of how school look like when it will be completed. We thank all who donated, food, school fees, building projects of school. We are seeking God to provide for food as by now we are running out of stock. (We did now send some money from our Log Church to them).

Receive our thanks. May God bless you all Abundantly. Once again we can not forget all who given their resources and time to pray and help the work in Kenya to prosper and make the needs of the church and
orphanage be made. We pray God to release favor upon you, family and even what you do. May God bless all the work of your hands and reward you.

All days in our daily service we pray for overseer Don, Mum and all who pray for Kenya church . Welcome Kenya, we look forward to receiving you all. May God grant you this request and all your requests as blog leaders.

Thanks to all who support the work in Kenya, we request your prayers for the food, school fees, clothing, school building project and needs here. We pray as God meets your needs in Kenya family also Yours to be made through his richness in glory in Jesus might name. Amen.

Thanks, we call you blessed. Thanks for your love and care may God give you long life to serve His purpose on earth. Be blessed Abundantly.

Yours Son Joel and Log Church Leadership Kenya.


If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to “The Log Church” and write “Orphans” on the memo line.

Send it to:

 The Log Church

PO  Box 68

Tripoli Wisconsin 54564

We now need to pay a wire transfer fee with every payment, which amounts to $50 each time, but other than that, your donated money will be used only for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. We wait until we have $4000-$5000 before we make the bank transfer to make each transfer more economical. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose. Thanks!

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