Friday, August 6, 2021


As of the first of August, the churches in the Kisii area are once again allowed to open their doors to worshipers. People returned in great number, seeking guidance for their lives in the words of Jesus.

The covid lockdowns have been especially brutal for many of these people. It has caused food prices to rise significantly, with even the availability of food in the market often lacking. There has been much hunger during this time, even more than is the normal amount. But this physical hunger has awakened a great spiritual hunger in the people as well.

As far as the orphanage is concerned, the kids are presently in school and life has continued. They are so thankful for your gifts, which has provided for them not only the school fees, but that they have also had food to eat on most days. You can see the latest accounting of funds below. Just press the “Read More” button.

The rain is being gathered in the water collection system we have been able to build, and the garden is being irrigated and is producing vegetables and greens.

The construction of the new school building also continues. This will be a long process, but we look forward to seeing how God will open up this possibility.

Below is the letter from Pastor Joel:


Dear Beloved Dad, Mum, Church and friends,

Greetings from Kenya Churches and orphanage, we are praying for you each day, we are humbled for the help we receive from you all through pastor Donald, Vivian, church leaders and friends to the Kenya orphanage and church.

Thanks from the children and church leadership Kenya church. Thanks for your prayers which have made the children have hope. Surely without your help which God has moved in your heart and prayers we could have not been able to care these children. Some could have ruined because of lack of resources, because of our limited resources was not able to feed these children. We appreciate every support we receive from you and also school fees and clothes, and other necessities it could be the challenge.

We praise God for the love and grace for us to be able to worship God again in service worship after the period of lock down. May I inform you that the Lord has been incredibly good to our pastoral ministry. Also we are busy in doing soul winning as we do visit people house to house.

There is a great need of these people to be visited regularly in this season of covid-19. People have lost hope and have nothing to eat. Please keep us in prayer God to provide for the poor families. Through this soul winning work many people have turned up in attending church worship service.

May the lord bless you for the efforts and your labour for the increase of God’s kingdom. It is our hope that the Lord will give us burning desire to each out even beyond our boundaries of the Lord of Kenya, that  poorest of the poor be gathered to worship God.

 May God bless you all, for praying for the Church in Kenya.

We request   prayers for the work in Kenya as by your prayers God has allowed us to reach this far still we covet yours prayers for the needs of these children under our care their needs be made.

Our prayers are with you all. We were able to order materials and they are supplying it and we trust God will provide so that the work of building the school will be accomplished we trust God will provide.

Thanks God bless you all, we are praying for you all daily and we pray that God will supply for your needs also and provide for these children here with us. Please accept our thanks for your love towards the work we are doing here. We request you to join prayer. May God show his blesses to you all as you always pray for us thank you for. Hoping to hear from you.

Yours in Christ’s love,

Son Joel and Church Leadership - Log Church Kenya

The food budget  was Ksh. 400000

Maize =608 kilogram, one kg =Ksh.220 x608Kgs =Ksh.133800

Unga ngano/baking flour 188. kgs One kilogram =Ksh.140 x188 kgs=Ksh.26,300

Salt 38Kgs=3800

Sugar 156.8kgs. 1kg=ksh.160 x156. 8=Ksh.25100

Cooking oil =60itres,one litre cost Ksh. 250x60litres=Ksh.15,000.

Sanitizer 29litres, one litre @ 150=Ksh.4400

Vegetables 160 kgs. 1kgs =Ksh. 160 x 110kgs=Ksh.17700

Beans=400kilogramm,one kgs cost Ksh. 250x400kgs=Ksh. 85,000.

Soap 20Kilogram,1kg @150=Ksh.3,000.

Rice=479Kilogram,one kgs=Ksh. 167x479kgs=Ksh.80, 000

Transport cost Ksh.5900

We thank God for the provision, day

consumption (breakfast, lunch and supper) = number of days. 400000 ÷ Ksh. 22364 =17 days.

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