Tuesday, March 16, 2021


Below is a letter from Pastor Joel along with the accounting of the bank transfer that we sent last week.

I have asked him how the two churches are going, and if they are now allowed to meet without restrictions. They now apparently meet again, but of course still with the regular social distancing and masks, etc.

However, it does not appear that all people have returned. The situation seems to be something like it is here in many churches, at least that is how it is in our own Log Church.

The government in Kenya is also talking about a “second wave” of infections. Joel has not mentioned any severe problems with covid in the churches, nor whether or not there is vaccine available for the people. I suspect the vaccine has not yet reached that area, as Kenya as a whole has only recently began receiving any vaccine.

Nevertheless, it is good that the churches can meet. For a time, many people could not come because they did not have a mask and could not afford to buy one. When one brother from our church learned about that, he gave me a check and told me to use it for buying masks for all the people who needed them.

You need to understand that the people of the churches and the entire area is extremely poor. No one from the two churches has a regular job. They are all day laborers, working when they can find work on farms or plantations. If the wages have not changed from when I was last there, these laborers earn about $1.00 to $1.50/day.

Nevertheless, as you will see in Joel’s letter, when the orphanage ran out of food during this past week and before the bank transfer came through, the church people managed to send some food for the children. This is a bigger sacrifice than you might suspect, since most or all of these people also pass through days without food from time to time.

None of the money that we send goes to the churches unless the giver specifically designates it for some purpose. When the Lord called me to this task, it was specifically to begin the orphanage and provide for the children that he had rescued out of the world.

But as you might suppose, I am also greatly burdened for the two churches. They are doing a great work and bringing the news of Jesus Christ to many people of those areas. Please pray for them as they have a debt to pay for the tin sheets of metal that cover the church in Matagaro. They also rent the chairs, so this is another expense.

You will see that on the finance report for this latest bank transfer, they bought the smaller tank that will be put on a little tower for the irrigation, and have paid for the materials for the tower, so I expect that perhaps by next week sometime we will have news of that.

Here is Joel’s letter:


Dear Beloved Dad, Mum, Church and friends,

Greetings in Jesus name. We thank God for the provision received sent through the friends and readers of the blog post of Pastor Don and Vivian. We are humbled once again for the care you have cared for the Log Orphanage Kenya.

We request your prayers for the children God to keep caring and providing for them. We thank the church here in Kenya for sending their food for 2 days. We have lacked  food only 1 day since the food was over from store, so for 2 days the church was able send some help of bananas, beans and some vegetables to sustain the children. May God bless you all for your help.

We Thank God for your love and concern for the children in Kenya. Keep praying for the churches in Kenya. We will update with pictures of Nyakembene and Matagaro church. The children say thanks for your donation.

Thanks to Pastor Don, Vivian, Church, and Friends and also to Kenya Churches for the support may God answer your needs. Thanks.

Received Ksh. 500, 000

Below breakdown of items

Tank, tower and labor cost:Ksh.60,000

Food bought: Ksh. 340,000

School fees cleared: paid Ksh.100, 000

Food report

Maize corns =Ksh 109, 000 1kg =Ksh.280 =389kgs.

   Cooking oil =Ksh. 20, 300 1litre =Ksh.300 bought =68 litres

    Sugar =Ksh. 27000 1kg =Ksh. 200 bought =135kgs

  Rice = Ksh.87, 000 1Kg =180 Bought 483kgs

  Beans =Ksh.65, 000 1kgs =Ksh.350 bought 186kgs.

   Vegetables=Ksh.25000 1kg =Ksh.190 bought 132 kgs.

    Transport Ksh. 6700

Schools fees report.

We paid as follows:

Rianyakwara Primary Paid Ksh. Ksh.25, 200  

Kimai DEB Primary paid Ksh.24, 000

Matagaro Secondary Paid Ksh. Ksh.50, 800.

(To see the receipts for all the items, scroll down and press the "Read More" button)

We thank God for the provision, now daily consumption of 63 children and workers
Ksh.22364.Now total money spent to buy food ÷day consumption (breakfast, lunch and supper)=number of days. 340,000 ÷ Ksh. 22364 =

Food purchased will last as from Friday 12 March to 26 Friday March 2021. We thank God for each day, provision, our prayers are with you, we trust God will provide for the needs of this children, kindly we request prayers do not grow weary in well doing in due season shall reap. We pray as God meets the needs in Kenya family also Yours to be made automatically in Jesus might name. Amen. Thanks, we call you blessed.

Yours Son Joel and Log Church Leadership Kenya.


If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to “The Log Church” and write “Orphans” on the memo line.

Send it to:

The Log Church

PO  Box 68

Tripoli Wisconsin 54564

We now need to pay a wire transfer fee with every payment, which amounts to $50 each

time, but other than that, your donated money will be used only for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. We wait until we have $4000-$5000 before we make the bank transfer to make each transfer more economical. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose. Thanks!


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