A friend wrote to me this morning asking how things were at
the orphanage, and why I have not written anything about it for some days. I
will answer the first question here and will try to answer the second question
next week.
Things at the orphanage are very tough right now, undoubtedly the hardest since it began. The coronavirus plague on the people, the desert locust plague on the crops, and the rainy season have all combined to make a “perfect storm” for these people.
Food is always the biggest challenge. Pastor Joel wrote to me 4 days ago that they were in their 10th day with no food. On one of those days, a man from the church did bring some bananas for the children, but I believe that they have had nothing other than that.
Because of COVID-19, no one is allowed in or out of the orphanage compound. Up until this time, this was an unwalled compound, but they were now either required or advised to put up a wall. This they did by taking the roof off of the church building and using the tin for the wall.
They were actually planning on doing this anyway, since they are putting up a bigger building for the church. I have written before how their present building was much too small for them, but this has accelerated the plan.
Joel told me that the cost of the new roof would be $3400, and that the supplier from whom we got the materials for the orphanage building was willing to supply the tin on credit with no interest. “Should they do it?” Joel asked me.
I wrote to him that I did not like to buy things on credit, even if with no interest. Neither could I help with the roof costs. However, since the rains were washing away the wattle and daub walls, I thought probably they should go ahead and get the tin and other items needed. I have not heard the present state of the church.
I also told Joel that my calling from God was only for the orphanage, and although I am happy also to be involved with their Log Churches, it was not my part to help with the finances for them.
Below is the letter that Pastor Joel wrote to me a week or so ago:
Dear beloved Dad, Mum, Church and
Greetings in Jesus name, our prayers are with you, we are humbled for your daily prayers and love you have shown to the Log Church/Orphanage in Kenya, we cover you in our prayers as we go to the presence of God.
It's our joy to hear and know that you are protected under the wings of the Almighty God. We are humbled to make you aware how things are in your family Kenya that you are helping and praying each day. In this time of Corona virus it's with restrictions we are trying live and adjust by it because mostly it has put on us what are not used to.
First we used to meet in church together in our churches but now we are meeting in my house with the children. The sleeping format changed as were advice by health officers. Also each day and moment wearing masks and using sanitizer.
We had no wall to fence the orphanage but because of the restriction that nobody new should come to the orphanage compound the iron sheets we removed from the church building forced to make a temporal fence this week with them as even if it was not to be used on the current church structure because of the different dimension which wait the roofing as God will provide.
The children are out because school are closed the government and stakeholders are discussing to know if it will reopen schools but remain to the hand of God.
Food is the challenge daily like now from Friday till today we have nothing to give children, food price has gone high we request your prayers.
The vegetables is challenge because most markets are restricted because of social distance rule and also we are not affecting by Corona only but also floods because of heavy rain, locusts which has led produce to increase the cost. Social distance is affecting even time of serving meals.
The children we have the orphanage had no where to call there home but here, we have total orphans and as we were preaching at the streets we meet them the children, even if we say to them go they will go to streets again this making the labor and help we have received from the lord through you will be in vain. We request your prayers as care these children to know God and make their future brighter as those children with parents.
Thanks goes to Pastor Donald and Vivian who have been faithful to handle what you send to them, beloved confident with them that we are getting what you send also we do put every coin we receive that what has sustained the children to this far.
Thanks Pastor Don for the teaching on the blog we are printing them and sending to home churches where they gather the are sending reports that those teachings are helping their fellowship together. Keep posting on the blog you are doing good job you are building our faith each day thanks may God inspire you more as you mentor us spiritually also churches of each family who are able to gather together send their thanks and graditudes of the teachings.
Beloved we request your prayers as we pray for you also. God bless you all.
Yours Son Joel and Church/Orphanage Leadership.
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