Tuesday, May 12, 2020


We have actually talked about the possibilities of beginning a school at the orphanage from the very beginning, since sending all the kids to school is pretty expensive. The current cost is about $15,000 per school year total for all the children.

The orphanage school is happening now, although not really a proper school. Just like with everything these days, we are improvising and waiting to see what happens.
Here’s Joel's report…
Dear Beloved Dad, Mum, Church and friends,
Greetings in Jesus name, we thank God for the provision received
sent through the friends and readers of the blog post of Pastor Don and Vivian, we are humbled once again for the care you have cared for the Log orphanage Kenya. We request your prayers for the children God to keep caring and providing for them.
Received Ksh. 308,000 ($3000) and below is the breakdown of the budget.
Withdrawal fees=Ksh.2500. leaving a budget of Ksh. 305,580. Warm clothes because it's raining =1 cloth equal Ksh. 204x49kids=Ksh.10,000.
Maize =495kilogram, one kg =Ksh.200 x495=99,000.
Rice=479Kilogram, one kgs=Ksh. 167x479kgs=Ksh.80,000
Beans=280kilogramm, one kgs cost Ksh. 250x280kgs=Ksh. 70,000.

Cooking oil =60itres, one litre cost Ksh. 250x60litres=Ksh.15,000.
Soap 20Kilogram, 10kgs=1500x2=Ksh.3,000.
Sanitizer 2litres=Ksh.2,500.
Left to right:
Matron - Happiness Nyabuto
Cook - Isaac Okemwa
Cook - Lucy Kebati
 Patron - Isaac Mirera
Vegetables=150kgs, one kg =Ksh.126x150=Ksh.20, 000.
We had other needs of the children and within the orphanage.
Firewood one lorry =Ksh. 17,000 =2 tones.
Appreciation to workers =Ksh. 4,000

Ksh. 1000-=Matron

Ksh.1000 Patron

Ksh. 1000 cook

Ksh. 1000 cook.

We thank God for the provision, the food budgeted will last as Friday Date 8- Date 20 Wednesday/5/2020.Thanks God bless you we are praying for you, we keep praying for you all.
Dad, the school is closed and we have not be told when it will be opened. We were advised that we buy learning material for the children to keep reading at home. We revision textbooks, pens, exam, exercises books for some exercise at home. Some lesson are on the television but we do not have a television. We trust that God will provide.
Keep praying for the children, we the students in form four and pupils in grade 8 who sit for national examinations. Keep praying for these children to have materials needed for the study at home.
May good God bless you all.

Thanks for your love. Real good we call you blessed.

Yours Son Joel and Church/Orphanage leadership.

If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to “The Log Church” and write “Orphans” on the memo line.
Send it to:
The Log Church
PO Box 68
Tripoli, Wisconsin 54564
Every nickel given in this way will be used for only aid for the orphans. It will be used for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose

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