Friday, April 17, 2020


Yesterday I wrote of the Log Church of Kenya, and how they were pressing on with the work that they have been given despite the many obstacles that they encounter.
It is what one does when given a calling from the Lord. You press on. I will not say that it does not matter what troubles you encounter, but despite these things, if the calling is truly from God and not just some self-fulfillment kind of thing, you press on.
I also mentioned yesterday that today I would tell of the present state of the Log Church Orphanage. It is a work that for me personally, has been the most frustrating and at the same time, the most rewarding ministry with which I have ever been involved—and there have been a few.

It seems that every week there is a new situation that crops up—a new problem to overcome. Even if no unusual difficulties would come, the task alone is overwhelming to me. It has been almost incomprehensible to me to see what it takes to care for the needs of the 49 kids in our orphanage.
This is one of the matters that is the most frustrating and at the same time the most rewarding experiences of my life. I will also say this, in some ways, it is almost a relief to me that the costs of caring for these children is so high.
How is it a relief that the cost are high? Stick with me and I will tell
you why.
I have not tried lately to estimate the weekly or monthly costs of running the orphanage, which includes also the schooling. Food costs have been steadily rising, first because of poor harvests due to weather, then because of the locust invasion that is now sweeping East Africa in unprecedented numbers, and now also from the covid virus. 

I only know that last week (for instance) I was able to send to send $1200, and it did not last that many days—even if school is not now in session. You can see this below in the accounting of the money Pastor Joel sent to me.

But it is actually this aspect of the ministry that is almost a relief to
me. If it were something that Vivian and I could possibly carry by ourselves, I would feel this great burden of this every week. But the way that it is, I know that there is no way that we could possibly do it.

I will not say that I feel no burden at all, but my burden is mainly in bringing these needs to God. My prayer every day is that when I pray to God, I tell him, “These are your children! They are not mine. It is you who must take care of them!

And that is also where the rewarding part comes in. I have seen that God is taking care of them. I will not say that the kids have food every day, but they eat. They have food and they have a loving family in the people of the church. Adoption seems not to be an
option right now.

But you see, this is also where the difficulty comes for me in knowing what to write about the situation. From the very beginning, I said to Joel that I did not feel my part in this work was to “raise funds” for the orphanage. I have never been good at that job and I do not think that it’s my talent.

I do not have it in me to tell of heart-breaking situations and appeal to your emotions to help. I cannot do that nor do I want to do it. I will not lay a guilt trip on people. I will not try to manipulate your emotions. If you are feeling the need to help, than it must come from the Lord speaking to you—not me.

But neither am I going to tell you all is fine if the kids have not eaten for three days, which incidentally, is the case right now. When I tell you the situation however, I do not intend it to be a sort of "read between the lines" type of appeal.

If it were my own situation, I may try to soften what I say, or with my words mitigate what is happening.

But I am not writing for myself (Vivian and I are doing just fine). I am writing for these kids.

Instead I told Joel that I would tell their story on this blog page and allow God to speak to those whom he wants to also be part of this work. And many of you have. I have been so immensely thankful to see this.

After spending many of my working years in South America and also among the islanders of the Pacific, one of the most difficult things for me in coming back to the US has been to see how self-absorbed our culture has become.

We are the “selfie-generation.” Sometimes it has seemed to me that
all focus is on self. I quickly became tired of hearing of “bucket lists,” “self-realization,” self-improvement” and “self-fulfillment.” It sometimes becomes maddening to me.

That is why it has been such a blessing for me to see that there are still many of you who can still see the events of life beyond the end of your nose.

So thanks to you, the work of the orphanage continues. I really appreciate very much your willingness to listen to the voice of God when he is telling you to help out. I mean that sincerely! Thank you!

I believe your gifts are all used wisely by the church and orphanage leadership in Kenya. I saw that in the times when I have visited the orphanage. Those leaders are very careful with what they do with the money.

Today I was our town where Vivian and I shop. Because of what you gave during the week, I was again able to send the orphanage more than $1000. Thank you so, so much!

As I write this, it is about 5:00 Central Time US, but about 1:00 AM in Kenya. When the kids awake tomorrow, they will waken with the assurance that after three days of famine, they will have some food. Thank you!
Here is Joel from last week:

Dear Beloved Dad, Mum, Church and Friends,

We thank God for the provision we received we were able to buy food. We received $1200 and below is the expenses (I made a summary):

Maize $500, beans $150, rice $350, sanitizer $50 and vegetable $150

We thank all who have donated for food we are praying for you and we trust God will supply for your needs.

Thanks for your love and help. Keep praying for us as God will provide,

The food we bought we will last from Wednesday to Tuesday next week (that would be this last Tuesday the 14th), The challenge that has been cost by the corona virus here in our country is the increase food cost. We are praying for you that God will protect you all.

Thanks for sending your help through pastor Donald and Vivian. We want to assure you all who donate we do receive your help and we are putting every cent received to purpose.

We pray that covid-19 will be over you come here to see the work here. Beloved in Christ kindly help these children under our care. We are challenged every corner. We are humbled by your help. Thanks once again.

God bless you all.
Yours Son Joel and Church Leadership Log Church of Kenya.

If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to “The Log Church” and write “Orphans” on the memo line.
Send it to:
The Log Church
PO Box 68
Tripoli, Wisconsin 54564
Every nickel given in this way will be used for only aid for the orphans. It will be used for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose

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