Monday, February 17, 2020


Financial Commitments for the
Log Church Orphanage of Kenya 

Probably the first thing that I should say is that this work in Kenya is not something that I at first wanted to be involved with (you may have heard me say this before.) I fought God about this for almost an entire year.

“I did my bit overseas—I just want to stay home now.”
“Someone else can do a much better job than I can.”

But God would not let me alone on this one. As the old poem put it, God was like “the hound of heaven,” patiently and persistently on my trail, not letting me rest until one morning I said to Vivian, “I cannot continue my life and pretend that God is not telling me to do this. I need to at least go to Kenya and learn about what He is showing me.”

My financial commitment began with only my personal funds, and it was not much. I told the people in Kenya from the very beginning that I was not a source of money.

“I have been a servant my entire life,” I told them. “I worked primarily in poor countries and have never had a job that has paid me much money. It has never been a priority for me.”

“The American is nothing, but God is everything.”

But what I also told them was that I believed God was instructing me to tell the story about what they were starting in their newly established church with the orphans, and putting this story on my blog page. If the Holy Spirit laid it on the hearts of some to help, I would see that the orphanage received the money.

People did begin to help. Not much at first, but lately it seems as if more and more people are helping out. Because this work began only with my own funds, and then afterwards only a very few close friends who know and trust me and wanted to help, I was not concerned that the arrangement was so informal.

Lately however, I have begun to wonder if something more formal needs to be established. I frankly do not like the idea of starting any type of organization—mission organization or otherwise, and I am not interested in doing so.

It is not I who started calling the new churches in Kenya, “The Log Churches of Kenya.” I actually tried to discourage them from naming them this, but they have told me that they look to me as “their mentor” as they called me (never had that happen to me before) and to our church in Tripoli as their mother church. They have adopted our statement of faith as their own.

Because this work has become something larger than I ever envisioned that it would, I am pleased that the church where I am the pastor (The Log Church of Tripoli, Wisconsin), has taken on some of the responsibility to help me formalize this a bit more. My commitment and the commitment of the church for any money given for the Log Church Orphanage of Kenya began with the following guidelines, at it will continue the same.

1. Every penny given will go for direct orphan care. 
- These costs include food, housing needs, schooling, personal hygiene articles, etc.

- If the funds become available, we hope also to begin to develop sustainable aquaponic or hydroponic gardens

- In order to allow every donation to go 100% for orphan care, I assume all other costs,    including costs of the money transfers, postage for receipts when needed, thank you notes, etc.

- It is my commitment to use absolutely none of the money in this ministry for my own expenses.

- My trips made to Kenya were completely on my own expense except for some euros that once were given to me for an airport layover in Europe.
2. I will make no appeals for donations.

3. My task in this ministry concerning donations has been to tell the story of the orphans and the orphanage on my blog page, and depend upon the Lord to put it in the hearts of the readers to give.

Of course, this also often includes telling of the present situation, which includes such times as when they have been without food and are in need. But I attempt to tell the situation without trying to make people feel they must give. That is the ministry of the Holy Spirit—not mine. I depend upon the Lord to speak to hearts.

4. If donations have been given through the Log Church (Tripoli) account, then it is possible for the donor to be given a receipt for tax deduction purposes.

5. My other role in the orphanage has been spiritual guidance, as much as I am able to do so at such a great distance away, and also practical guidance.

If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to “The Log Church” and write “Orphans” on the memo line.
Send it to:
The Log Church
PO Box 68
Tripoli, Wisconsin 54564
Every nickel given in this way will be used for only aid for the orphans. It will be used for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose


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