Wednesday, November 27, 2019


It was never my plan to have a ministry with children during these later stages of my life, but I have to say, it is one of the things that gives me a deep sense of satisfaction. Quite apart from any intention of my own, God has given Vivian and me a ministry with our 42 orphans of the Log Church Kenya orphanage.

It is true that we are not involved in a very personal and day-by-day basis, but God has given these children to us as a charge, both in provision of their living essentials, and in prayer. But it is not only these children. Once in a while, I receive a story concerning a child here in the US who has also felt the need to help these orphans. In a different way, this ministry is also to these children. I also must say, it is this kid-to-kid connection gives me the greatest joy of all.

Thus, I share the short story of a girl of about ten years old named Kathryn.

Kathryn lives in the ranch country of western South Dakota and attends the same church where Vivian attended in some of her childhood years while her dad was the pastor there. It is the Union Center Community Baptist Church. I have written of this church before, and of the children’s Bible club that one of our friends conducts there.

The church as a whole has been involved with the orphanage in Kenya and is well aware of what is happening there, sharing with one another the current news. A few weeks ago, our friend told us that she briefly spoke of the current needs in Kisii.

The following Sunday, ten year-old Kathryn approached our friend Sylvia and squeezed a crinkled and rolled-up $50 bill into her hand.

As Sylvia wrote to us in a note that accompanied the gift, Kathryn had “a merriest but rather shy-eyed look” on her face. She smiled at Sylvia as she asked her if she could get this money to “the children.”

Kathryn, it turns out, had just had a birthday. She told her mom that she wanted to give the money that she had received for her birthday to the orphans of Kisii. She gave her birthday money to feed the kids of Kisii.

Kathryn, thank you so much!  I appreciate the way that you have listened to the Lord and how you have responded with an unselfish, obedient and loving heart. I pray that God will continue to build in you this same grace that you have shown to me in doing what you have done for these children.

Kathryn’s story may be unique in some ways, but I realize that there are many who have given with the same kind heart as did this young girl. God has spoken to many of you, and you have responded.

Thanks to all of you!! May God bless all of you!!

We praise God together for enabling us to work together in the rescuing of these children of Kenya. It is our part of what He is doing for His people.

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