Friday, October 11, 2019


Mud is no one’s friend. Farmers around where we live know this, as do the loggers and truckers, and we have had our share in Wisconsin this year.
Nor is mud a friend of the people of Kisii and of the orphanage.

This person has dug a ditch in the
floor of his house around the
perimeter to try and channel the
water away from the rest of the room

It is rainy season there, at least in that part of Kenya. Last year was unusual in that it rained every single day for three or four months. When the roads are basically clay, and when many of the houses have no floor, that is
a problem.

I do not know if the amount of rain has been as excessive this year as last, but there is mud nonetheless. It affects everything from keeping the houses clean to walking to school.
Some drivers and motorcycle riders do manage to make it through the muddy roads, but everyone must be prepared to get out and push. Want to stay clean? It is pretty much a dream
during this season.
I have to say that in my trips to Kenya, never did I go during rain season. But it did sometimes rain when I was there, and I can tell you that in a matter of minutes, in that hilly country a nice and dry path or road becomes a slimy slip-and-slide.

But notice the new dormitory entrance. There is an actual entrance where the orphans leave their shoes outside so that they do not track mud in the building. Keeping clean is much easier with the concrete floors.

Last year there were also many reports of stomach ailments because of the mud floors and poor toilet facilities. It is almost unavoidable to pick up some sort of fecal material on one’s feet if you walk around outside. With the mud floors, that eventually finds its way into the buildings.
This year is much better. I do not know if there has been any sickness at all, but I do know that all-in-all, the children have stayed much healthier.

How is the food situation now? I frankly do not know. I know that they have no more money and I have told Pastor Joel that Vivian and I are not able to send any more of our personal funds until next year. We have hit our limit.
But our trust in always in the Lord, as is theirs. The people of the Log Church of Kenya bring food for the kids. It did however strike me how thin the kids look in these pictures.

Despite the famine for food and other necessities, the word that I constantly receive from there is “We are trusting that God will show us the way and will make provision.”

“Love the Lord all you His Godly ones. The Lord preserves the faithful” (Psalm 31:23)

If you would like to help the children of the Log Church Orphanage of Kisii, Kenya, you may make your check out to "The Log Church" and write "Orphans" on the memo line.

Send it to:
The Log Church
PO Box 68
Tripoli, Wisconsin 54564 

Every nickel given in this way will be used for only aid for the orphans. It will be used for purchasing food, clothing, schooling, and other necessities of living. Nothing is held back or diverted for any other purpose


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