Tuesday, April 9, 2019


These photos are the most recent that I received from Pastor Joel. They are installing a ceiling in the dormitory for a couple of reasons.

The first reason is that since there are boys on one end of the building and girls on the other, the government directed us to put in the ceiling.

We are complying of course, especially since the Kenyan government has already made concessions to allow us to have both boys and girls housed in the same building. This has not been allowed in the past.

The other major reason for the ceiling is to help keep out mosquitoes. Malaria is a problem in that area, especially during the rainy season when the mosquito population explodes. The ceiling will go a long way to keep the insects out during the nighttime hours.

On another matter, this week I feel that I need to mention that from the very beginning of my involvement with the orphanage, it has not been my intention to “raise money” for the children. I did not think that this was something that I was called to do. My task was to tell the story of the Log Church and Orphanage of Kenya, and then trust God to put it in the hearts of people to donate. That is why I do not make any appeals for funding.

However, someone mentioned to me this past week that they thought since I do not ask for money, it must mean that the orphanage is fully funded.
Not so—except as the Lord supplies.

The Kenyan church of 200 people or so in that small village, themselves all just living from day to day, are all who supply for these children—they and anyone who reads this blog and whom God calls to donate. There is no organization backing this work, no church denomination, no large donors, just the few whom God has called.

It has been amazing to the people there, and to me as well, that we have seen this building for the children almost completed in a span of less than a year. It will be their home. It has not been an inexpensive proposition, yet God has made it possible. And now we are happy to say that very soon we expect that the children can move in.

But that does not mean that the needs stop. Feeding 42 children plus the half-dozen or so workers costs over $4000 per month, and the schooling $1000 per month when school is in session. These costs are on-going. We do trust God and are so thankful to see how He has provided.

And I am thankful that God did not allow these children to be abandoned to the world, but raised up a humble church to care for them. He has also called Vivian and me, and he has called some of you. Neither can I abandon them.

I actually had another matter that I wanted to write about this evening, so despite the fact that this post is getting a little lengthy, I am going to include it. This matter has to do with the photo on the right.

When I went to Kenya in January, a children’s group from a church in South Dakota asked me if I could bring some booklets of John and Romans with me to hand out to the children in the orphanage.

These kids in South Dakota have taken a big interest in the orphans, keeping up with what I write and praying for them. They also have sent some offerings. I was glad to take the booklets, because in the front of each one, the kids wrote a personal note to the orphan who would receive it. Many had pictures that the children had drawn.

I read through the notes before I packed them, and they were so nice, I decided to copy each one before I put them in my bag. I wish I could have copied the drawings as well, since many of the kids were so young that their drawings were their best expressions. Many of the booklets had only pictures drawn, since the children were very young. But here is what I copied:

“Hello from South Dakota USA. We are a small group of believers who love you and pray for you in Kisii Kenya”

From Jasper (age 8): with drawings of a sun, a heart, flower and one of Jasper himself: “Good day to you, my friend.”

From Morgan (age 13): “I hope you have a good future. I’m learning about what Jesus did for me. I didn’t grow up knowing the Bible, but I’m learning now. My mom just had surgery. Grandma has cancer.”

From Taber (no age given): “I live on a ranch. We raise buffalo. I like animals. God made them all. We pray for you.”

From Joni (no age given) with her drawing of a church with an angel, a snowman, a drawing of Joni herself along with one of the orphan children: “Dear wonderful child. Hi, my name is Joni. I hope you got money and food. I hope you get better and get a warm home! I hope you get your home built before the cold time. From you friend Joni.”

From Megan (no age given): “Please know that you are being prayed for and that God loves you very much! One of my favorite verses is Phil. 4:6-7”

From Erin (age 11): “Never forget, God is always here, God is always there. God is watching. God cares, Cast all your care upon him for He careth for you.”

From Sawyer (age 8) with some drawings of a house, some flowers and a snowman: “Dear child. Hi my name is Sawyer. I heard you are trying to build a house before the rainy season. I hope you get plenty food and water. I hope you get your house built before the rainy season and I hope your house is nice and warm like mine. I have been praying for you.  Have sent some money for you and your friends. I hope you get a lot of money. To awesome child. Love Sawyer”

From Ty (age 11): “Always keep God with you. He promises to always watch over us – in Kenya and in South Dakota.”

From Morgan (age13): “Wish you a happy life. God go with you.”

From Joshua (age 12): “And by the way, if something is hard, never give up. God says he will never fail us or forsake us.”

From Riley: “Hi, I’m Riley. I’m 10, and I hope you can get food and money to help the kids.

From Cayson: “I hope you are happy. My name is Cayson. I am 6.”

From Shaniah (age13): “Always be a child of the heavenly Father. He made you and is watching over you.”

From Alanah: “Hi my name is Alanah and I am 11. I will always try to help, and donate money. I am always interested in you. May God watch over you in love.”

From Ruger (no age given): “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you. He will never leave you or forsake you. Deut 31:6.”

Sylvia: “What a privilege to hear of a church adopting children and to be a very small part in helping meet their needs. We pray…for Jesus…does not fail us…thank God for the little Log Church in Kenya. May the love and light of Jesus. Continue to shine bright in your hearts. Romans 8:38-39”


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