“I am the good shepherd,” Jesus said. “I know my own, and my own know me” (John 10:14 NAS).
the Bible, God illustrates his relationship with his people as a Good Shepherd
caring for his flock of sheep. From the early days of the patriarch Jacob (or Israel, as he was known in his later
years), God was viewed as a shepherd of his people. When the man Israel was in
his last days on earth, he told his son Joseph this: “God…has been my shepherd
all my life to this day” (Genesis 48:15).
prophet Isaiah said of the Lord: “Like a shepherd He will tend His flock; in
His arm He will gather the lambs and carry them in His bosom. He will gently
lead the nursing ewes” (Isaiah 40:11, NAS).
It is true
that throughout the Scripture, the Lord is seen as a God who is concerned for
the individual, but in addition to that, he is shepherd of his whole flock.
In our
present day, with so much emphasis on individual perspectives, we do not
speak or think much in terms of the whole church as a flock. Our emphasis is
more on the specific aspects that exist for the individuals within the church.
We think more about our individual needs.
Because of
this, it is easy for us to lose sight of how important the concept of the flock
is to God. We are often less interested in the importance of the whole of the
Christian church and instead more captivated by programs of self-betterment and individual goals and achievements. These may also be worthy
pursuits, but they can easily become centered only on self. It is true that we,
as individuals, are important, but it is also important to see the grander
perspective of God.
In God’s
kingdom, the two perspectives of the individual and the group are interrelated.
In God’s kingdom, the individual only can reach his or her highest potential as
he or she finds their place in a relationship with others.
This often
goes contrary to our western culture, where we place an excessively high value
on individualism and self-fulfillment. We react against depersonalization, and often
for good reason. To our dismay, we are commonly identified only by our social
security number or a bar code printed on our driver’s license. Our number is more important than our name. However, it is
precisely because of this negative
reaction to depersonalization and because of this concern, that the
understanding of the concept of the flock is important to us.
Lest we
think that to God we are only nameless cogs in some great heavenly machine, or
that we are merely a nine-digit number in some sort of divine organizational
system, God calls us the sheep of his flock, and himself, the Good Shepherd.
There is no depersonalization in the flock of the Good Shepherd. Despite the
fact that we are part of the larger flock, we are also important as
“What do
you think?” Jesus asked, “If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has
gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go and
search for the one that is straying? And if it turns out that he finds it,
truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine which
have not gone astray” (Matthew 18:12-13 NAS).
It is true
that the individual is supremely important to God, but we have lost much of the
perspective that shows us that the flock is also important. For us today, much
of the importance of the flock has been sacrificed on the altar of
individualism and self-fulfillment. We are often so absorbed in our quest of
some undefined feeling of self-importance and self-worth, that we have
relatively little regard for the flock. I am afraid that it has often been our
undoing in the church. It has led to many scandals and failures in our
churches. It has led also to hurt feelings and fighting within the church.
What is
even more frightening about our misplaced goals is that when we come to the end
of our quest for individual self-fulfillment, we only find that our total
absorption with self has not brought us closer to the satisfaction and
happiness that we seek. In the end of it all, we are often so disoriented as to
who we are as individuals that we are no longer even able to identify what our
goal was in the first place. Like the one-hundredth sheep in the story Jesus
told, at the end of all our wanderings, we come to realize that we are still
without a clear idea of our own identity and without direction in our lives. We
are simply alone and in the wilderness.
Flock That Follows the Shepherd
We have
seen in other parts of Scripture that the people of God
are defined in various ways in the Bible. However, of all of the illustrations
for the people of God that we find, there is none so endearing as the Shepherd
with his flock. This comparison is again brought out in the exodus of the
Jewish people. As it was written of this event: “You led your people like a
flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron” (Psalm 77:20 NAS).
wherever we find reference to a flock in the Bible, it is always in connection
with a shepherd. It must be this way, for without a shepherd, the sheep are
merely many individuals in proximity to one another. Like being in a crowded
airport, you may be in the presence of many people who are all going somewhere,
but you are still very much alone. In this condition, the sheep also are left
without a relationship to one another. However, if they have a shepherd, they
are a flock.
In the
exodus of the Israelites out of the land of Egypt, as this great band of people
followed the lead of Moses and Aaron, this multitude seemed like a mighty army
and a great invasion force to the people of some of the countries through which
the Israelites traveled. From the perspective of God, however, the Israelites
were his flock being led through the wilderness. Indeed, with Moses, the leader
of the people at the front and the people following behind, it seems to me that
from above it must have looked very much like a shepherd with his flock.
And it was
not only from above that the similarity of a shepherd with a flock was evident.
Prior to leading the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses had been in the wilderness
for forty years, shepherding the sheep and goats of his father-in-law. The care
and leadership that Moses gave to the people as he led the Israelites must have
reminded him of the days when he cared for sheep in the wilderness.
So much
did Moses think of himself in terms of a shepherd for the people, that when he
learned that he was soon to die, his concern was for the flock of Israel. The
request that Moses asked of God was that God would “appoint a man over the congregation, who will go out and come in
before them, and who will lead them out and bring them in, that the
congregation of the Lord may not be like sheep which have no shepherd” (Numbers
27:16-17 NAS).
Situations from a Shepherd’s Perspective
David also
knew well what it was to be a shepherd. While his brothers were preparing
themselves for warfare, David was in the pastures caring for his father’s
flock. Before David led the nation of Israel as king, this young boy first
learned how to care for his father’s sheep. This training in the field gave
David the preparation that he needed to recognize and deal with predators of
his flock.
The predator of
Israel in the days of young David was not a wolf or a bear, but the army of the
Philistines, and most notably, the giant, Goliath. To the army of the
Israelites, these foes were insurmountable. At one point of conflict between
the two armies, they were confronting one another in the valley of Elah, which
was some twenty miles west of the city of Bethlehem. The Philistine army was on
a mountain on one side of the valley, and the Israelite army was encamped on
another mountain, on the opposite side. The valley lay in between the two
Every day,
both in the morning and in the evening, the giant, Goliath, would step forward
and taunt the army of Israel. “Am I not the Philistine and you servants of
Saul?” the giant shouted—
Choose a
man for yourselves and let him come down to me. If he is able to fight with me
and kill me, then we will become your servants; but if I prevail against him
and kill him, then you shall become our servants and serve us. I defy the ranks
of Israel this day; give me a man that we may fight together.
1 Samuel
17:8-10 (NAS)
For forty
days the giant shouted his insults. The reaction of the Israelites to this
threat was much like sheep without a shepherd. They simply wanted to flee. We
read that these Israelite warriors, threatened by the presence of Goliath,
“fled from him and were greatly afraid” (1 Samuel 17:24).
difficulty here was that the army of the Israelites was looking upon their
opponents strictly from a militaristic perspective. From their point of view,
it was simply a question of which army had the greatest force. From the
perspective of where they stood as they compared their army with that of their
enemy, it was the Philistines, especially with their champion, Goliath, who
were the stronger of the two armies.
When David
came upon the scene, however, he immediately viewed the situation from the
perspective of a shepherd. After all, he had just come from his father’s flock
to the battlefront, and he had only come to bring provisions for his brothers.
To David, rather than seeing Goliath as a warrior, he looked upon the giant as
if he were a lion or a bear who was threatening to scatter the people of God.
In fact, it was exactly this perspective that David used to convince King Saul
to give him permission to go against the battle-hardened giant, even though he
was only a young shepherd and inexperienced in warfare.
David said
to Saul,
servant was tending his father’s sheep. When a lion or a bear came and took a
lamb from the flock, I went out after him and attacked him, and rescued it from
his mouth; and when he rose up against me, I seized him by his beard and struck
him and killed him. Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; and
this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, since he has taunted
the armies of the living God.
1 Samuel 17:34-36 (NAS)
reasoning and experience made sense to King Saul. Goliath was as a predator,
threatening the army of the Israelites. Because of this, the king allowed the
young shepherd to go to battle against the giant, even though the fate of the
entire Israelite army was at stake (1 Samuel 17:9).
Of course,
we remember the outcome of that confrontation. David told the giant that the
Lord does not deliver by sword or by spear. Young David said to Goliath, “The
battle is the Lord’s” (1 Samuel 17:47).
Later in
life, I am sure that David must have thought of this very incident when he
wrote the words, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want…even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me”
23:1, 4 NAS).
The Good
comparisons of the people of God to a flock of sheep continue in the Bible, and
we follow the flock on through its pages right up to the time when Jesus, the
Good Shepherd, was with his own flock. In all of these stories and
illustrations of the Bible, God has loved this picture of the shepherd with his
flock, and he uses it to demonstrate to us what his relationship is to his
When he was on earth, the flock of Jesus was
not a great nation of people. His true followers numbered only a few.
Nevertheless, Jesus most definitely viewed himself as a Shepherd in his
relationship to his people.
“I am the good shepherd,” Jesus told his
little flock—
good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. He who is a hired hand and not
a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the
sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because
he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. I am the good shepherd. I
know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the
Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep.
10:12-15 (ESV)
In the
same way, it is always God’s love for his flock that motivates him. As the Good
Shepherd, God is grieved when he sees his flock being mistreated or mistreating
one another. As Jesus walked among the people of his day, he taught the way of
the kingdom of God and busied himself with healing those who were sick or
infirm. Jesus did this because it is the natural way of a shepherd. We read
that Jesus felt compassion for the people because they were “distressed and downcast like
sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36 NAS).
Seeing this need, Jesus said to those few
disciples that were with him, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are
few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his
harvest” (Matthew 9:37-38 NAS).
Heart of a Shepherd
When Jesus
was about to return to the Father, he almost echoed the sentiments of Moses
when Moses was about to leave and when he spoke his concern “that the congregation
of the Lord may not be like sheep which have no shepherd.”
before Jesus ascended, he took Peter, his disciple, aside. “Do you love me,
Peter?” Jesus asked him this question not once, but three times.
Much has
been said about this conversation between Jesus and Peter, why the question was
put to Peter three times and the different Greek words that were used for
“love,” but it is interesting to hear what Jesus said to Peter after each of
Peter’s responses to the questions. Each time the response of Jesus made reference
to a shepherd leading and caring for his sheep:
“Tend My
“Shepherd My sheep.”
“Tend My sheep” (John 21:15-17).
“Shepherd My sheep.”
“Tend My sheep” (John 21:15-17).
Peter took
the responsibility seriously. The apostle, in turn, told the leaders of the
church to “shepherd the flock of God.” He told the elders of the churches to
shepherd the churches “according to the will of God” and by being “examples to
the flock.”
“When the
Chief Shepherd appears,” Peter told them, “you will receive the unfading crown
of glory” (1 Peter 5:1-4).
Apostle Paul, though he is known as a great debater and defender of the faith,
above all took this matter of the flock seriously. Like Moses and like Peter,
and like Jesus himself, Paul was concerned for the flock, and that those who
would presume to shepherd the flock, would do so in faithfulness.
Paul told
the leaders of the church of Ephesus, “Be on guard for yourselves and for all
the flock among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the
church of God which He purchased with His own blood” (Acts
20:28, NAS).
Paul was
concerned for the flock and spoke of “savage wolves” that would come and not
spare the flock. There would even be those, Paul told the church, who would
come right from the midst of their own people and who would deceive the flock
and draw the disciples away from the truth. Those who would be the shepherds of
these flocks, therefore, must remain alert.
in the end, the ability to remain a faithful and capable shepherd cannot merely
come from being alert. It must instead come from another source.
Wisdom of the Shepherd
At Paul’s
departure from the leaders of the Ephesian church, he said this: “And now I
commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up
and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified” (Acts 20:32
It is the
Word of God and God’s grace that will sustain the shepherd.
relationship of the shepherd with the flock is one that God loves when
describing his relationship to his people. With all of our talk and programs of
self-improvement and self-realization, we must never lose this perspective of
the flock. We are God’s people and the sheep of his pasture (Psalm
God does
look upon us as individuals, that is true, but we are also his flock. It is in
his care and as members of his flock that we find safety and security.
Shepherd for Eternity
Near the
closing of the writings of Scripture, that part which speaks of the end of days
and of the eternal state, we again read of the flock. Here, we read that they
will dwell in complete security and safety. “Never again will they hunger,” the
Scripture tells us, “never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat upon
them, nor any scorching heat.”
And there,
seated at the center of the throne, will be their shepherd. “He will lead them
to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes” (Revelation
7:16-17 NIV).
God is
still looking for those who would tend his sheep. He is looking for those who
possess the heart of a shepherd. We may look for shepherds with great
communication skills or the gift of teaching or perhaps other gifts. These also
may be important, but of all of the qualifications for a pastor of the sheep,
having a heart of a shepherd is the greatest of them all.
the Lord GOD will come with might, with His arm ruling for Him. Behold, His
reward is with Him, and His recompense before Him. Like a shepherd He will tend
His flock, in His arm He will gather the lambs, and carry them in His bosom; He
will gently lead the nursing ewes.
Isaiah 40:10-11 (NAS)
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