a potter forming an intricate clay pot on a potter’s wheel, on the sixth day of
creation God formed the first man. “It is good,” He said. God was pleased with
his creation.
had not been created within the Garden of Eden, but from the dust of the ground
outside of the garden. It was in some other location that God “breathed into
Adam’s nostrils the breath of life.” God had in his mind to create the woman as
well, but interestingly, he did not do this immediately. He first took Adam to
the garden to present to him his new home and to give him an orientation.
cannot begin to imagine the wonder
that Adam must
have felt as the two walked around the garden! God, we know, was
well pleased with his creation and must have been like a proud artist explaining
his work. He showed Adam the trees of the garden and the many animals. He
specifically instructed Adam about the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge
of Good and Evil.
The Garden of Eden by Thomas Cole |
text does not say so, but I suspect that God took the time to explain how all of
the individual aspects and creatures of his creation were to exist together in
total harmony. I say this because we know that God instructed Adam in his
responsibility to “cultivate” the garden and to “keep” it (see the post – Part
3). I am filled with amazement just to try to imagine the conversation that the
two had. But even today God still likes to share his work with us, if we care
to listen.
was not the only creature that God had formed
out of the ground. God had also
formed “every beast of the field and every bird of the sky (2:19).
These included “living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things
and beasts of the earth after their kind” (1:24).
Jan Luyken, Amsterdam 1708 |
Adam’s orientation of his new home in the Garden of Eden, one of the first tasks
that God gave to him (perhaps the very first task), was to give names to all of
the animals. I do not know how big of an undertaking this was. It is impossible
to say what the exact number of animals that God brought to Adam to see what
Adam would call them. When the text mentions “living creatures after their
kind,” we do not know if the word kind
would most closely equate to our present day classification of species or if it would be closer to our
word genus.
doubt if there are many people who would think that when the text mentions that
there were “cattle,” it is intended to mean that there were Holsteins, Guernseys and Scottish
highlander cows (plus all the other cattle variations). Only the progenitor of
all of these types came before Adam on that day to be named.
(From Flemish Tapestry Factory) |
species is usually defined as a group
of animals capable of interbreeding and reproducing, such as a Holstein cow breeding with a Guernsey cow. However, there is
no viable cross-species reproduction.
A Holstein cow cannot successfully breed with a horse, for instance.
have today identified almost 5,500 different species of mammals that currently
exist in the world, and almost 10,000 species of birds. We know that species of
animals do evolve in small ways (micro-evolution)
to form types or subspecies within
the species. And then there is crossbreeding, such as the aforementioned Holsteins, Guernseys and Scottish
highlander cattle. There has even been some research to show that a single
species of organisms could develop into two separate ones (this is called speciation, although it seems that this
work is inconclusive).
I am not of the persuasion that all the species of mammals and birds have one
common ancestor (such as an evolutionist would say). There has never been any
evidence to demonstrate that this mechanism of species development is a viable
one. This is something that has never been observed and is only a “reality” in
evolutionary theory.
if one were to assume that there must have been at least one of every species
of animals and birds that still exists today (every beast of the field and
every bird of the sky), it is quite a large number, and some others have become
extinct. The consideration that Adam may have had to give names to 15,500
animals on that 6th day of creation (and more if he also gave names
to the 9,000+ reptiles) is a difficult one indeed.
might say that the word “kind” in the Genesis text may equate better to our
broader classification of “genus,” but even with that, the task that Adam was
given that day must have been formidable (I was not able to find out an
estimate of the current number of genus
in the world, I think because there is not agreement among biologists as to what
actually constitutes a genus).
one depends very heavily upon speciation, one could make some calculations
about how it could be possible for Adam to name all of the species in the
Garden of Eden within a 24 hour period. However, this view would require the
continual development of new species on our planet in order to reach the
current level, and this level of speciation has never been observed in our
natural world. In fact, to be honest, I do not think that speciation has
actually ever been observed in our
natural world.
creationists, such as myself, the word speciation
is more tolerable than the word evolution. However, with such a high level of
speciation necessary to accommodate Adam naming all of the animals in such a
short period of time just several thousand years ago, at what point does it
cease to be mere speciation and begin to become evolution?
I believe, was of much higher intelligence than any person alive today. The
effect of a sinful nature has had a degrading effect up not only our spirits,
but also upon our minds and bodies. But even with this, the naming of so many
animals would be quite formidable, and I do not get the sense that God was in a
hurry to “get things done” before the end of the 24 hour day. Moreover, God is
never in a hurry.
Rembrandt Scetch |
all of the above considerations, I have come to the opinion that, while some
speciation has occurred in species development, I think it is best not to
insist that the 6th and the other creation days were of necessity
the 24 hour days that we see today. My best understanding is that I need to leave
the actual length of the creation days open to consideration and not to hold
adamantly to our current 24 hour day. I do not think that these days were ages
or eons, as some would say, but still a relatively short period of time.
we have no way of determining the length of the day at that time. The days of
creation were unique in every sense, even to the point that the day length was
not determined by the rotation of the earth in relation to the sun. God did not
create the sun and moon until the fourth day. Thus we know that, in at least the
first three and a half days of the six day creation, the sun played no part in
the length of the day.
am also quite sure that there are many considerations of the exact details that
are unknown to us. When we know all of the facts, we will also understand. In
whatever way that it was accomplished, God intended it for a reason and it was
done in the way he has revealed it to us.
I do not wish to become overly technical here. The marvelous aspect to me is
that God brought all these animals to Adam to be named instead of naming them
himself and then telling Adam what the names were.
said above that there was a reason that God did this. Actually, there were at
least a couple of reasons. The first of these have to do with the fact that God
intended that people were to “have domain over the fish of the sea and over the
birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
naming of something or of someone is normally reserved for whoever is
to have immediate responsibility for it. It is the pet owner who names his dog,
it is the farmer who names his cows, and it is the parents who name their new
child. Giving something a name is an act of recognition that I am in some way
responsible for the well-being of it. By naming something, I have put even my
own identity with it.
God brought the animals to Adam so that Adam could give them names, it was a
demonstration of the fact that Adam was to have dominion over these animals; he
was to be their “keeper.” There are some aspects of our relationship with the
animal kingdom and with nature in general that have changed since those first
days in the Garden of Eden, but this one aspect; that is, that we should be the
caregivers of our environment, has not changed.
is a second reason that God brought the animals before Adam to be named. We
shall look at that reason in a week or so.
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